
7 Leadership Communication Tips That Build Employee Engagement

It takes a great leader to keep a team moving in the right direction, motivated to do better and work as a cohesive unit. But, it’s not just about the leader alone. How leadership is demonstrated and communicated greatly impacts the level of engagement employees will show. Regardless of the level of skills a personRead… Read more »

How to Give Effective Performance Feedback

You can turn a soul-crushing performance appraisal into an opportunity to engage your staff. Make it an interactive conversation that energizes both you and your employee. My team and I have used the following format for performance feedback for over a decade. We use it for both glowing appraisals and tough reviews

How To Recruit Younger Employees? Not By Doing Business as Usual

As baby boomers retire, organizations are faced with how to attract – and retain – younger employees. It’s a particular challenge for government organizations that may not seem like appealing – or lucrative – career paths. What do millennials – those 73 million individuals born between 1980 and 1996 – really want in a job?Read… Read more »