5 Things Govies Can Learn from Adventure Racing
How can adventure racing teach govies to become better leaders? Find out!
How can adventure racing teach govies to become better leaders? Find out!
What if engagement isn’t the problem? Rather than being an end in itself, what if engagement is merely a symptom of the actual underlying issue?
Training is a useful tool, but it’s just that – a tool. The apparent need for training can mask a deeper problem – unclear expectations. When employees don’t know what you want, smart people create processes that don’t work.
At the beginning of my career, I believed that everybody else somehow had the keys to the knowledge kingdom but me. Looking back, I realize it was simply that they had more experience than I did.
I hope you find a nugget or two of inspiration and instruction that you can use in your current career.
Here are 10 experience-based tips to help you accelerate your ascent up the federal career ladder.
Hospitals have a big problem on their hands– tens of thousands of patients are dying every year as a result of avoidable infections and illnesses. Fortunately, this govie and his team are working tirelessly to reduce these losses.
Over my career, I have worked for many toxic leaders in many toxic organizations. As a result, I have become something of an expert on identifying the warning signs.
We have books that can help you advance your career and another list of books written by public servants for extra insight into why government work matters.
Check out this list of some of the best associations out there so that you can join some of your fellow government rockstars!