Knock, Knock. Who’s There? Open-Door Policy?
Recently, I sat down with an associate analyst (AA) in state government to talk “shop.” Here’s how the conversation went.
Recently, I sat down with an associate analyst (AA) in state government to talk “shop.” Here’s how the conversation went.
The Office of Management and Budget released in July a long-awaited update to their guidance to agencies on steps they should take to manage – not avoid — expected and unexpected risks to their operations
The Government Accountability Office came up with six major drivers of engagement and one can make a case that at least four of six influences on employee engagement fall on the shoulders of leaders.
As many older farmers are retiring and preparing to retire, the future of the farming industry lies in a new generation of farmers. In order to ensure new farmers are prepared for the job, this govie is working to make USDA’s resources available and easily accessible.
What do you feel when you hear the word feedback? Maybe you feel anxious, nervous, defensive, misunderstood, exhausted, judged or criticized. You’re not alone. Here’s a six-step process for supervisors and employees to provide feedback.
Everyday Heroes rally the team to exceed expectations on projects and may never ask for a thank you in return because of an altruistic approach to their work.
Ever wonder what exactly a state CIO does? In order to find out we sat down with California’s CIO, Amy Tong to learn about her role in the state and local workforce.
Imagine if everyone followed their dreams and unleashed their creative spirit.
How do you get policymakers to listen to academics and scientists when making policy decisions? Much like the London subway system – there’s a need to “mind the gap!”
Being a woman is awesome but sometimes being a woman in the workforce is challenging. Particularly, when you are the only woman in a room full of men. Learn how you can avoid token woman syndrome in your agency and do your part to minimize the gender divide in the workforce.