Don’t Leave your Team Marooned Without Praise
Praise can fill your team with pride and can become something to look forward to during the most challenging of days.
Praise can fill your team with pride and can become something to look forward to during the most challenging of days.
Set yourself up for success and set a vision for your project — every single time.
Through GovFem, we’re hoping to provide resources and advice to help our female GovLoopers working in government. Unfortunately, that won’t happen overnight. In the meantime, check out my top ten book suggestions for women looking to get ahead in their career: Ask for It: How Women Can Use the Power of Negotiation toRead… Read more »
Earlier this month, GSA launched a third line of business to house its digital startup, 18F, and emerging tech initiatives. We sat down with the new commissioner of GSA’s Technology Transformation Service to get more details on the new entity and what it means for potential government customers.
So much can be learned from Claire.
When people use their abilities to engage and influence to catalyze change, we call them “change agents.” Learn about how the Colorado Department of Transportation successfully developed a Change Agent Network to foster change.
Making mistakes is not only normal but also necessary for personal and professional growth.
Most of an organization’s collective wisdom is locked in people’s heads, and not written down for others to search for and use. So, how do you increase the ability of people to know the expertise of their professional colleagues and share it with each other within a large organization?
Stress is something you need to confront and manage, or it can amplify problems at work and at home. Here are six ways you can deal with stress like the unbreakable, inspiring Kimmy Schmidt.
An “us vs. them” mentality can grow in workplaces where employees are the “us” and leaders are the “them.”