Are Managers to Blame for Disengagement?
Who is mostly responsible for engagement, the manager or the employee?
Who is mostly responsible for engagement, the manager or the employee?
A positive mindset, lightheartedness, optimism and yes, downright fun, all have an impact, not only on your own feelings of well-being and happiness in your life, but, also on your job success and the effectiveness of organizations.
As kids we were beyond ecstatic when we heard that extra change jingling around in our piggy banks. We may have used the extra cash to treat ourselves, but the main goal was to keep as much money in the piggy bank as we could, for as long as possible. Unfortunately, government doesn’t function inRead… Read more »
Rather than risking a high turnover rate, utilize these tips to keep your employees happy.
Here is a short list for consideration on the role and function of a supervisor.
If time is money, as the saying goes, high-impact meetings aren’t just more enjoyable, but important to the stewardship of public resources. Get leaner, cleaner, more effective meetings with these three simple meeting hacks.
Don’t panic. This isn’t some sort of life-threatening or even career-threatening disease. Nor is it something that only you experience. It’s a common phenomenon among successful people.
With baby boomers restlessly pacing at retirement’s door, it’s critical to plan now for the significant talent gap that lies ahead. Right now, your workforce is likely made up of multiple generations bringing different traits to the table. It’s critical to take advantage of this multigenerational makeup before baby boomers retire and transition out of… Read more »
There remains in our agencies an entrenched impediment to true empowerment for our entire workforce in their ability to own their work.
Remember the good ol’ days when we all received report cards in school? We may not have appreciated them at the time, but as adults, we may be able to see the value they gave us in framing problems we were facing or areas where we needed to work a bit more. Today, government isRead… Read more »