
Using Performance Info to Make Decisions

Washington breathed a collective sigh of relief when a government shutdown was averted on September 30th. But that news overshadowed the quiet release of a GAO report on the government’s progress on using performance information to make better decisions. The Government Accountability Office is mandated by law to track the progress of agencies’ implementation ofRead… Read more »

Tips for Young Leaders to Succeed in the Workplace

Every few decades we undergo a change in the workforce demographics. Leadership has always had its challenges, but there are inherently different kinds of difficulties when there is a new wave of younger leaders emerging in the workforce. Tom Fox, Vice President for Leadership and Innovation at the Partnership for Public Service, sat down withRead… Read more »

How to Prepare Yourself for the Digital Age of Government

Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a manual on all things life? You might even settle for a manual that helps you prepare for the digital age of government. Unfortunately, it does not exist – yet. However, there are experts out there like William Eggers who provide us with some tidbits about how toRead… Read more »

The Federal SES Performance Guidelines Have Begun – Is Your Agency Ready?

In some instances, particular critical elements and performance requirements of senior executives may already be part of the system. If not, or if tweaks or modifications are required, simple configuration changes can be made to accommodate the new elements. It can be as easy as flipping a switch, rather than the historical long, drawn-out process.