
How to Develop a Workplace Mentoring Program

We explored the many benefits of building and implementing a successful workplace mentoring program for government employees in our first article. Now we will explain the steps involved in developing an effective workplace mentoring program. There are different types of mentoring, such as one-on-one mentoring; group mentoring in which one individual mentors several people atRead… Read more »

What You Need to Know About the Possible Government Shutdown

The U.S. federal government is mired in political budget wranglings that may result in another government shutdown. If this seems all-too familiar, that’d be the painful memories of the last government shutdown in 2013. But, the federal government can’t stop completely. And, even though the possible government shutdown is just a couple of days away, it’s far from certain that it willRead… Read more »

The Consequences of a Government Shutdown Beyond American Borders

There is no doubt that the consequences of a potential federal government shutdown on October 1 could have significant economic consequences within the United States, as well as on federal workers who are furloughed during the shutdown. While true economic impacts are hard to quantify, the Bureau of Economic Analysis estimated in January 2014 thatRead… Read more »

Stop Apologizing for Prioritizing Relationships

I was able to attend an awesome AmeriCorps conference this summer and it consisted of a variety of workshop sessions, including one called “Management Boot Camp: 3 Hours to More Effective Interactions at Work.”  This was an incredible session focused on inspiration, assessment, accountability, and most importantly, communication.  The workshop presenter began his training byRead… Read more »

Possible Government Shutdown-Why?

We all are awaiting the final decision: will the government shut down again? How could this happen? Didn’t we learn from the incident in 2013? It seems we haven’t. So now certain organizations like the Partnership for Public Service are evaluating the issues that seem to lead to a possible shutdown and how to preventRead… Read more »

Don’t Hide the Issue

In the children’s movie, Robots, Rodney Copperbottom grows up hearing his role model, Mr. Bigweld, teach the world, “see a need, fill a need.” I won’t ruin the movie for you, but let’s just say that he ends up living this mantra out to its fullest. What I love about the movie (aside from itsRead… Read more »