
How to Be a Leader in the Digital Transformation Era

Many of you may have noticed a shift in both your day-to-day lives, as well as your work environments. What used to be done with a paper and pen is now being done by electronic devices. Some of us may struggle with this new transition, but there are also people out there who have theRead… Read more »

What “The Intern” Teaches Us About Followership

There so much focus on developing leaders that the role of followers is often under-valued and neglected. “Followership” refers to a role held by certain individuals in an organization, team, or group. Specifically, it is the capacity of an individual to actively follow a leader. Followership is the reciprocal social process of leadership. While leaders… Read more »

How to Develop a Workplace Mentoring Program

We explored the many benefits of building and implementing a successful workplace mentoring program for government employees in our first article. Now we will explain the steps involved in developing an effective workplace mentoring program. There are different types of mentoring, such as one-on-one mentoring; group mentoring in which one individual mentors several people atRead… Read more »