
Does the Federal Government Need Managers?

Imagine a federal government with no managers, executives, supervisors, bosses or titles. Imagine a federal holocracy-an organization where authority and decision making are distributed through self-organizing teams rather than a hierarchy. One such organization that is making this “outside the box” approach work is Zappos, an online shoe and clothing company. You are probably thinkingRead… Read more »

Improving the Employee Experience

According to the Partnership for Public Service’s recent Employee Engagement Survey, employees give their federal agencies failing marks. A dismal 39 percent of federal employees think they can actually attract the right people to their jobs. The survey is based off of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM’s) Federal Viewpoint Survey, which measures if fedsRead… Read more »

Are You a Ninja, Jedi or Pirate?

Ninjas are the glue that holds our organizations together. Normally they are folks who have been around for a while, have the institutional knowledge and can point to where all the dead bodies are buried. Ninjas are loyal, often do jobs many us don’t like and can be counted on in the clutch. For theRead… Read more »

The Art of Conquering a Workplace Transition

In the seminal military treatise, The Art of War, author Sun Tzu writes, “In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.” This maxim holds true during workplace transitions. Change for Govies is constant, taking on varying forms. Whether it’s a system upgrade, turnover, reorganization, or downsizing, it is bound to happen at your agency.Read… Read more »

The Exit Interview: What It Is and Why You Should Do It

Attracting and retaining talent is a challenge for many public sector organizations, especially in light of an aging workforce and an upsurge of retirees. One effective method to uncover the reasons employees jump ship, be it to the private sector or elsewhere in the public sector, is the exit interview. What is an exit interview?Read… Read more »

Better Data, Better Outcomes: Q&A with Los Angeles’ Chief Data Officer

This blog post is an excerpt from GovLoop’s recent guide, the Open Data Playbook for Government. Download the full guide here. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti is serious about using data to solve everyday challenges for residents. So much so that he named former Code for America Co-Executive Director Abhi Nemani the city’s first CDORead… Read more »

Why Are You Waiting? 5 Steps to Start Leadership Development Today

The majority of the leadership development opportunities available today focus on senior level career (GS14, 15 and Senior Executive Service) employees. Limited opportunities are available for new supervisors or mid-level employees. However, doesn’t it seem like a bit of an oxymoron to wait until you’re in a leadership role to start developing your leadership abilities? RecognizingRead… Read more »

Revitalizing the Federal Workforce

Managers as a whole are an integral part of the employee experience. We remember the good ones – and we really remember the bad ones. Because they are so involved in day-to-day activities, the way your manager treats you can drastically impact how you view your workplace. How leaders manage talent is thus integral toRead… Read more »