
6 Tips to Lead Like a President

This year, I was  chosen as one of 60 Presidential Leadership Scholars and participated in the inaugural program that concluded in July. There were six sessions over six months that focused on four leadership abilities: Engaging Others Through Vision and Communication Making Decisions Working Collaboratively to Influence and Persuade Stakeholders Building Working and Strategic PartnershipsRead… Read more »

Stopping Tragedy in Its Tracks

On April 5, 2010, disaster struck Montcoal, West Virginia. Late in the afternoon, an explosion rocked the small town’s Upper Big Branch coal mine. After four days of attempted rescue, none of the 29 miners survived the blast. It was the worst mining disaster the U.S. had seen in over four decades. As an administratorRead… Read more »

NextGen @ Census

I’m sure by this point you’ve heard of the Next Generation of Government Training Summit, the premier annual leadership training, co-produced by GovLoop and Young Government Leaders. But what you may not know is that NextGen is more than just an event that takes place once a year – it’s a movement currently taking shapeRead… Read more »

How To Deliver Feedback Without Sounding Like A Jerk

One of the toughest parts of being a manager is delivering constructive feedback to your employees. You have to strike a delicate balance between putting them on the defensive, and being so vague that your feedback doesn’t sink in. How do you make sure your feedback gets heard – and taken to heart? Much dependsRead… Read more »

Photo of large flag unfurled across the Grainger Stadium infield during the National Anthem prior to opening game

Why It’s Time for the Government to be Part of the Public Conversation about Health and Health Care

While we are not in control of the conversation, government workers can still listen and contribute to it. We can seed it with facts and ideas. We can respond to questions. We can be human, even as we maintain a thoughtful and focused public presence. All by leveraging the power of online communications.

Creating Action-Items for Success

GovLoop is halfway through its current mentorship program, which means mentors and mentees are starting to dig into really tough questions about career options, hurdles, and success factors. Most of our mentor-mentee partnerships have already discussed career paths, including what tactical steps they need to take along that path. Now mentees are starting to ask,Read… Read more »

Are Any State Governments in the U.S. NOT Corrupt?

“Are there places in America where the outwardly self-virtuous might be able to act in a not-so-obviously-seen amount of on-the-job mischief, and not get caught? Jorge Martinez-Vasquez admits in his world-acclaimed book, Fighting Corruption in the Public Sector, that “corruption is notoriously hard to measure in a precise way.” Findings presented within this report may… Read more »

Big Changes Are Coming to Federal IT — Are you Ready?

Change isn’t easy, especially when people are involved. It gets even harder when you add to that mix more than $80 billion worth of information technology resources — scattered across multiple program offices, bureaus and departments. That’s how government has operated for decades. But sweeping reforms passed by Congress in December call for an endRead… Read more »

3 Reasons to Get a Master of Science in Leadership

While a Master of Science in Leadership is a relatively new degree, in a very short time it is being perceived as a 21st century alternative to MPA degrees. MS-Leadership is a course of study that offers participants an opportunity to enhance their experience and leadership skills. Organizations recognize that using personal and creative approachesRead… Read more »