
4 Hacks to Score Free Job-Related Training

Competition for jobs is fierce in today’s economy. According to Forbes, a typical job posting attracts 118 applicants! With this in mind, jobseekers need to be proactive in seeking opportunities to learn and refine skills. Last week, I attended an Economic Measurement Seminar organized by the National Association of Business Economists (NABE). It took placeRead… Read more »

3 Steps to Lead Change from the Middle

You’re stuck in the middle. LITERALLY. As middle management you get the seemingly impossible task of not just managing those who report to you, but the delicate balance of working with other managers AND keeping your boss happy (which generally means keeping his/her boss happy). So how do you keep both ends of the spectrumRead… Read more »

6 Tips for Effective Meeting Management

Have you ever found yourself in a meeting that lacked clear direction and purpose? Perhaps it went on and on with nothing accomplished other than the need to schedule yet another meeting? Or, worst of all, did the participants do more talking over each other than collaborating and partnering in order to achieve a commonRead… Read more »

The Value of Volunteering

“Be servants of peace. Weep with those who are sorrowful, rejoice with those who are joyful, teach those who are ignorant. Care for those who are sick. Serve your families. Serve your neighbors. Serve your cities. Serve the poor. Join others who serve. Serve, serve, serve! That’s the challenge. For in the end, it willRead… Read more »

9 Books To Change the Way You Work

After a long day at the office, the last thing most of us want to do is sit and read a book. But reading in the evening, especially before bed, can actually help you de-stress, get more sleep, and even improve your overall cognition. In addition to all of these benefits, the right book canRead… Read more »

Are You a Rebel At Work? Here’s How To Tell…

Government rebels from all walks of life spanning a range of government agencies united in full force at this year’s NextGenGov’s summit, and it was inspiring. Now, these rebels were not your stereotypical outliers or black sheep; the packed room included a Fellow from the State Department, a Medicaid expert from Wyoming, and a ManagementRead… Read more »

Defending America with Sticky Notes

The story of defending America with sticky notes, or why government needs a generation of young innovators to spread design thinking, tells the story of a small group of young govies who set out to bring innovative ideas and creative processes to the Pentagon. They failed, they learned, but now, they are succeeding as changeRead… Read more »