
plan, collaborate, deliver

6 Free Apps To Make Your Team More Productive

Tire of interminable email threads that you’re not even sure you should be cc’d on, and tasks missed because no one realized they were responsible for them? When you’re trying to coordinate a large team, good communication is crucial for making projects run smoothly – but group emails and drive-by meetings can sometimes just lead toRead… Read more »

5 Proven Techniques in the Fine Art of Managing Up

This post is a follow-up to an unanswered question from GovLoop’s recent training, Critical Conversations. Want more topics and information like this? Make sure to register for the upcoming training summit in July, the Next Generation of Government Training Summit. There’s a skill I possess that you won’t find on my LinkedIn profile (go ahead andRead… Read more »

8 Ways to Lead More, Better

Leaders who accept their own limitations and find out what they don’t know demonstrate a sense of humanity and realness to others. People can see when leaders try their best and sincerely care about them. In return, the result is cooperation and comradery, further supporting the goals of the organization and making the workplace more… Read more »

Want to Lead? 18 Leadership Training Options for Feds

The United States Office of Personnel Management has been working for awhile now to better enhance leadership development to keep qualified employees moving into management positions. This has included developing a training framework for future leaders, as well as defining performance metrics for the SES. Still, agencies have been given a fair amount of leeway when itRead… Read more »

Measuring the Drapes Before Getting to the Office

The presidential transition is a year and a half away, and everyone is already talking about it. Who are the candidates? Who’s going to win? What policies will they bring to the table? Yet few raise the question: How will he/she actually implement the policies? What exactly does the President do when first getting toRead… Read more »

Stopping the Mega Problem of Micromanaging

This post is a follow-up to an unanswered question from GovLoop’s recent training, Critical Conversations. Want more topics and information like this? Make sure to register for our upcoming training summit in July, the Next Generation of Government Training Summit. Read the following statements and decide if you agree or disagree with each: Most of my time isRead… Read more »

Cereal, Soda, Cigarettes and the Annual Federal Performance Review – Hope for Humanity!

If we can get smarter about what we devour, we should be able to do the same with the disdained annual performance review. Thankfully, we are. Perhaps nothing in the HR field is under as much attack these days as the annual performance review, an event typically loathed equally by both employee and manager. As… Read more »

How To Find Your Priorities (and Stop Working Overtime)

The hour hand is creeping towards 5pm, but your to-do list is only a little over halfway done. The day’s been one never-ending chaos train as emails, impromptu meetings, and emergency tasks are thrown at you. Some of it can wait until tomorrow, but there’s still that one – let’s face it, two – major tasksRead… Read more »