
15 Things Employees Want From Their Managers

1.   Consistency / follow established processes 2.   Integrity 3.   Empathy 4.   Action (not just talk) 5.   Followup 6.  Communication about what affects them / resources where needed / help prioritizing and eliminating busywork /deconflicting areas of confusion 7.   Detail orientation 8.   Technical proficiency 9.    Reliability 10.  Read… Read more »

Drafting Your Fantasy Federal Team

Like fantasy football, achieving federal goals in your organization starts with a draft. The success of your mission depends on hiring the right employees, creating an intentional strategy, and knowing when to trade. A weak team will lower productivity and end an otherwise promising fiscal season. But, how do you build a team that willRead… Read more »

8 Ways to Help Your Overworked Team

Especially in government, we constantly talk about doing more with less. But most often, those conversations focus on physical resources like office supplies, amenities, or space. And when we do think about the human element, it’s often in detached terms like ‘labor hours’ or ‘workforce supply’. However, if you manage an overburdened team, you areRead… Read more »

Uncovering State And Local Gov’s 15 Hidden Successes

From garbage trucks to vacant lots, cities and states are often tasked with the thankless job of cleaning up a community’s mess. These are tasks that are often overlooked, but are critical to keeping a community vibrant. But even in these sometimes thankless jobs, there are real innovations happening. Take Miami-Dade County where they areRead… Read more »

Photo: Flickr user Michael Daddino

DorobekINSIDER: Revolving Door – Wall Street Edition

Hey there. I’m Christopher Dorobek — the DorobekINSIDER — and welcome GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER… where we focus on six words: Helping government do its job better. On GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER: SAMMIES 2014 — lessons learned from the government’s best and brightest:  From Tom Fox from the Partnership for Public Service: Once you hear from the Sammies winners and the finalists,Read… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER: Where change is happening in government

Have you ever attended a budget meeting hosted by your city council? You usually are shown PowerPoint presentations filled with pie charts detailing how funds are dispersed. And you have access to your city website’s complete budget breakdown, including the projected one for the next fiscal year. But it may seem as though local governmentRead… Read more »