
Excellent Writing Skills: A Workplace Must

Often times, the written word is the only form of communication for daily office instruction. If you are unable to explain yourself in a clear and sufficient manner, it may slow down the process of getting things done. On a personal note, if you are unable to write correctly you may end up losing respectRead… Read more »

Reinventing American Healthcare: Interview with Dr. Zeke Emanuel

“The execution of the ACA was seriously flawed. Three factors contributed to the rocky rollout: the nature of lawmaking, poor personnel decisions, and poisonous politics,” notes Dr. Zeke Emanuel. The American healthcare system is complex. It was not created complex and expensive from its origins, but evolved to become this way over a period ofRead… Read more »

The Next American Revolution? Applying Business Management Practices to State Government

Tomorrow, we celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence. It is an amazing document written by bright and determined individuals who wanted to throw off the yoke of servitude from the British crown. It, of course, was signed on July 4, 1776. But five months later, it looked as if the American Revolution wasRead… Read more »

Feds Commemorate 50th Anniversary of Landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964

In case you missed it, today marks the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act (CRA). President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the landmark law on July 2, 1964 (pictured above). The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces Title VII of the CRA, which prohibits employment discrimination in the public and private sectors (in additionRead… Read more »

Using Your Organization’s Heritage and Culture to Motivate Your Employees

On the April, 2014 Rolling Stone magazine cover, Julia Louis-Dreyfus sported a tattoo of the Constitution, but with the wrong signatories at the bottom. How many editorial eyes saw that cover from conception to publication? How was it not noticed? Have we forgotten the past, thinking it’s irrelevant; moving too quickly, our eyes on theRead… Read more »

Expert Tips on How To Get Things Done [Training Recap]

A recent report of entrepreneurs found that the characteristic they seek most when investing in someone’s venture startup is the ability to sustain an intense effort. Michelangelo laid on his back for four years painting the Sistine Chapel. Tim Howard had 16 saves during this year’s World Cup match against Belgium. What are you goingRead… Read more »

Using Visual Language to Improve Your Verbal Communication

My favorite innovation techniques, such as brainwriting, come from some key books in my personal library: Gamestorming, Back of the Napkin, Blah Blah Blah: What To Do When Words Don’t Work, creatingminds.org, The Visual Display of Quantitative Information and Visual Explanations. Common to all of these resources is the concept of “visual language” or “visualRead… Read more »