
Ready for the Remote Work Revolution?

Call it what you will: telecommuting, remote work, telework, working from home, etc. Regardless of how one labels it the truth remains the same: telework works, period! However, for remote work to be successful employers must make sure such practices are properly applied and implemented with strict standards to ensure employee accountability, high performance andRead… Read more »

Models and Actuals

Last week I read 2nd Machine Age, which pointed out thatMoore’s Law, that computing power per cost doubles approximately every 18 months and has been chugging along for 60 years, is not a law, but the sum of thousands of heroic breakthroughs, a lot of people doing good work. Every time some theoretically imposed boundaryRead… Read more »

States Double Down On Cloud Computing – Don’t Miss The Train

“Cloud computing has changed the way that CIOs procure goods and services in the government. The cloud computing train left the station a long time ago, it is more than past time for governments to fully jump on board.” – Meredith Ward. More than 74% of state CIOs say they have at least one applicationRead… Read more »

Help Decide the Top 5 NextGen Lightning Talks – Cast Your Vote Now!

A ‘drug dealer’ in a federal prison. Breaking the ‘other’ glass ceiling. How to stay sane while leaning in. Why biz school + government is the next big thing. These are just a few of the finalists we’re now featuring in this year’s Next Generation of Government Training Summit Lightning Talk Speaker Contest. The goalRead… Read more »

Social Media Ownership: Recommendations for Employers

Many individuals and organizations continue to struggle with the question of social media ownership, which involves the accounts themselves, individual and page profiles, platform content and posting activity. Most of the related laws and regulations were written long before today’s social technologies were even created, let alone widespread, and there are few legal and businessRead… Read more »

Building a 21st Century Government…One Leader at a Time

When Obama’s budget plan for fiscal 2015 was released, the plan had its fair share of supporters and naysayers. There are obviously many sections to the plan, but there is one specific portion that addresses the challenge that a plethora of articles have been written about and many agencies are challenged with lately…leadership, and specificallyRead… Read more »

Take A Voyage – Why The Partnership Program Is Making A Difference

Every day on the DorobekINSIDER program we try to tell good government stories to help you do your job better. Today we get to highlight a program that is helping people do their jobs better by showing the power of partnerships; it’s an awesome program called Voyagers. Voyagers is part of the Industry Advisory CouncilRead… Read more »

A New Way To Run For Office – The Open Sourced Way

The definition of, of insanity is trying the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. So that begs the question is there a better way to create a political platform? David Cole is a 28 year old software developer who spent 2 years working at the White House as a Deputy DirectorRead… Read more »