
Obama Asks NSA to End Bulk Data Collection – Plus the 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Just like Ben and Jerry’s 170 different flavors of ice cream, political appointees also come in a variety. You have your political types, your regulators, your implementers and your collaborators. So how can the Office of Personnel match the right political appointee to the right job? Insights in part two ofRead… Read more »

Hoops Madness

In a world of opportunity and privilege, how do you stop and remember that not all live in that world? How do you give back to your community? For me personally, the notion of noblesse oblige, and giving back, has always been important. In my business, as well, one of our core beliefs and practicesRead… Read more »

3 Different Flavors Of Political Appointees

Just like Ben and Jerry’s 170 different flavors of ice cream, political appointees also come in a variety. You have your political types, your regulators, your implementers and your collaborators. So how can the Office of Personnel match the right political appointee to the right job? Paul Lawrence is a partner at Ernst & Young.Read… Read more »

What is Trust?

Picture this: Lucy has convinced Charlie Brown to run up to kick the football while she is holding it. Charlie races toward the ball and just before he kicks it, Lucy pulls it away – again. Of course, Charlie kicks nothing but air and winds up on his back with a thud; humiliated and disappointedRead… Read more »

Political Appointees – How To Make The Most Of Their Time

The political appointee is one of the most prized and most difficult positions in government. These individuals are plucked (mostly) from the private sector, dragged through the Senate confirmation process and handed the top-job at an agency. They are expected to lead, but often don’t have the tools necessary to manage the difficult and nuancedRead… Read more »

SUCCESS RULE #39 Learn the Language of the Mind

Do you talk to yourself? Do you answer? I’m sure you do. We all of have conversations with ourselves, these are called thoughts. Perhaps the more serious question is what type of conversations are you having? What is the language of your mind? Have you ever talked yourself into such a frenzy it actually madeRead… Read more »

What are four types of mentors you need for your career needs?

Check this out: http://www.youtern.com/thesavvyintern/index.php/2014/03/21/avoid-superman-complex-seek-the-4-mentors-your-career-needs-most/ via @prismatic One of my friends introduced me to the notion of having a committee: a group of personal connections that serve as a sounding board for personal and professional issues? I have developed my own committee which serve as mentors for me on a variety of issues. How have youRead… Read more »

Selling Out

During a period of more than 10 years, as a CEO, Director, and Board Chairman, I have been responsible for disposing of three organizations and have been an acquisition target of two other organizations. I have been a close observer of several others. Here’s what I learned. Start Early. From concept to handing over theRead… Read more »