
50% Of Feds Look To Employment Outside Of Gov

A new Federal Employee Defection and Fallout PulsePoll found pay freezes, the current political environment and the prospect of a better salary in the private sector are driving 50% of federal employees to consider employment outside of government. 50%. One in two government employees is considering leaving, what can the government do to buck theRead… Read more »

Bringing Hacker Culture to the ASPA Conference

UPDATE: Want to give a lightning talk at the ASPA conference? See http://wp.me/p4a7oW-18 If a public administrator wants to be taken seriously, should she wear a suit or a hoodie? It depends which culture she’s dealing with. Traditional public administration culture focuses on hierarchical institutions–how the public administrator can serve the institution’s mission and advanceRead… Read more »

35 Years Later, How One Group Stays Relevant In IT

Since 1979, the Association of Federal Information Resource Management (AFFIRM) has been meeting with industry and government groups to talk about IT challenges. 35 years is a long time for any organization to have a lasting impact, but for IT it may as well be a century. Back when AFFIRM launched, computers did not existRead… Read more »

The Importance of “Diversity Thinking” — and Compliance

All federal employees should be mindful of the importance of workforce diversity, especially federal managers. Executive Order 13583 was signed by President Obama in August 2011: Establishing a Coordinated Government-wide Initiative to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in the Federal Workforce. According to E.O. 13583: “Our Nation derives strength from the diversity of its population andRead… Read more »

Get In The Game – How To Engage App Developers In Local Gov

Wildfires, there’s an app for that.Potholes, there’s an app for that. Rabid raccoons, there’s an app for that. Apps are everywhere these day, even in government. But for many small app developers breaking into the government marketplace is difficult. Minh Tran is independent mobile app developer, that developedFix311, a mobile app used for roadway damageRead… Read more »

Is the Entitlement Generation Really Entitled?

Spoiled. Uncooperative. Impatient. Lazy. These are just a few words used to describe who some have deemed the “entitlement generation” – often called Millennials or Gen Y or even Generation C. Sure, with stories like the 18-year old girl who is suing her parents for financial support flying around the web, is anyone really surprised?Read… Read more »

Does Your Agency Have A Brand? – Plus Your Weekend Reads!

Branding matters. When you think of AMC, you think of movie theaters and popcorn. When you think of IKEA, you think easy to assemble furniture. When you think of Amazon, you think of online shopping. But when you think of government, is there a brand? What about at the agency level? Is there a brandRead… Read more »

Stand Out as a Leader in Transformation

0 If you aren’t able to demonstrate excitement to your team, you can’t expect them to get excited along with you. Leaders aren’t cold, calculating masterminds; a good leader is willing to invest his heart and soul in the goal of initiating transformation, and it shows Every team, unit and organization needs a leader—actually, itRead… Read more »

A Closer Look at the State of Leadership

Which are you, traditional or collaborative? If you’re a senior level executive who is middle aged, you probably came up through the ranks a bit, after education paved the way and experience opened doors. If you’re a senior level executive who is of a younger generation, perhaps connections made while in school, or a strongRead… Read more »