
Priorities List: Did Your Top Concerns Make It?

Ever heard the phrase, “What’s good for the gander, is good for the goose?” In government, the sentiment holds true. What is good for the federal government, is good for the state and local governments too. That is why the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) has released their annual list of federalRead… Read more »

All Politics Are Local, Does That Apply To Email Too? – Plus Your Weekend Reads!

The phrase, “All politics is local” is a common phrase in politics, coined by former Speaker of the U.S. House Tip O’Neill. The message is simple, a politician’s success is directly tied to his ability to understand and influence the issues of his constituents. The same is true for email. You have to target yourRead… Read more »

John Mahoney Talks About The Importance of Career Insurance for Feds on Mike Causey’s FederalNewsRadio Show

John Mahoney, chairman of the labor and employment practice group at the law firm Tully Rinckey PLLC, sat down with Federal News Radio’s Mike Causey to discuss professional liability insurance. – http://www.federalnewsradio.com/741/3556382/Professional-liability-insurance-and-more

Why You’re Really Hitting The Snooze Button

Millions of people watched Gwen Dean as she quit her job as an engineer in a commercial that aired during the Super Bowl last week. Gwen’s dream was to start a puppeteer business, and with the help of GoDaddy.com, she is doing just that. Over 17 million of us have watched Marina Shifrin’s “I quit”Read… Read more »

What Are Sport’s Best Leadership Lessons?

“Why not me?” Why not us?” Fabulous words uttered by the Seahawk’s quarterback, Russell Wilson, to his teammates prior to the conclusion of the 2013 season. First spoken by his late father, who encouraged Wilson to look beyond his height and find his brilliance, these words might well be used by any person or organizationRead… Read more »

Open Gov Defined – More Than A Noun, A Verb Of Gov Transformation

If you ask 20 people to define open government, you will get 20 different responses. The lack of uniformed definitions makes implementing open government services very difficult. It would be like asking a pastry chef to bake a cherry pie and then providing 20 different recipes. The chef would have no idea which pie youRead… Read more »