
Seven Levels of Leadership

People often ask me if anyone can be a leader. My response is an enthusiastic, “yes!” My belief in everyone’s ability to lead stems from the core idea that leadership is the stance one takes in life, not the positions or titles one occupies. Leadership is love in action be it in the home, theRead… Read more »

Leading a Team to Perform

There are few jobs today that allow a person to work autonomously. Certainly in government there are many examples of jobs that are interdependent. Even at its most basic level, the branches of government must work together to pass a bill into law. Teams are important. As important as teamwork is in government and businessRead… Read more »

Chris Christie – a brand reputation case study of transparency in government

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie this morning called a live press conference to address allegations, apparently true, that his staff repeatedly closed lanes on the George Washington Bridge as “part of a politically motivated vendetta” against the Democratic mayor of Fort Lee, N.J. The Governor’s words and actions during this crisis either strengthen his brandRead… Read more »

Six Resolutions for Government Leaders

2013 was a historically rough year for federal employees, but 2014 is off to a positive start. First a budget deal is close to being signed, the budget deal would eliminate the threat of shutdown, furloughs and reduce the impacts of sequestration. So how should federal managers prepare for the year ahead? Tom Fox isRead… Read more »

Social Media Management: From Novelty to Utility

Summary: Social media is still a novelty to many professionals, especially those in leadership positions. Rather than viewing social and digital technologies as a radical departure from traditional communication approaches, however, it’s better to think of them as “new tools for doing old things” and to remember they are facilitators and enablers, not an endRead… Read more »

Multi-Generational Workforce Leadership Challenges

Like any new year, the start of 2014 brings a number of challenges for business leaders. Today, we’re faced with healthcare issues, climate change and its impact on our workforce, and an improving, but not yet robust economy. We also have, for the first time in our history, the opportunity to lead, manage and learnRead… Read more »

How to get a smart, lean gov – Part Two

Duplication and overlap is rampant in government. With budgets dwindling down more than ever, agencies are looking to cut costs. But collaborating across disciplines is difficult. That’s where the authors of Smart Lean Government come in. They have developed a novel plan for how to reduce billions of dollars in overlapping information technology services governmentwide:Read… Read more »

Why Making a Difference in Our Community is a Core Value

In my last blog I wrote about why being grateful is good for you. There are numerous ways to make a difference in our community and it’s something that I’ve tried to become very conscious of as I get older and hopefully, wiser. As an adult, contributing money annually to various organizations was just somethingRead… Read more »

SUCCESS RULE #32 Don’t Lie

“I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.” – Friedrich Nietzsche. Lying and untruths are never a good thing. Even “small white lies” set the stage for doubt and distrust. When we lie nothing good comes of it either. Oh there may be some shortRead… Read more »