
Social doesn’t want to talk to your minions

Social doesn’t want to talk to your minions People always talk about how “it’s a small world” and to a large degree it is…and getting smaller as advancing technology, social media and other forces help us connect with others and stay connected. Many organizations are racing to implement technologies and processes to meet this challenge.Read… Read more »

Women in government – A year in review, Plus your weekend reads!

The end of the year means two things: setting unrealistic New Year’s resolutions and endless retrospectives. While we can’t force you to put down the cake and pick up a carrot, we can help you do your job better by highlighting some of the biggest and best innovations to come out of government in theRead… Read more »

Mandela: A Practice of Transformation

The worldwide outpouring of gratitude for the life of Nelson Mandela upon his death is testament not only to his role in leading South Africa out of Apartheid, it speaks to way he lead his life and the legacy he leaves the world. For all of his leadership accomplishments the one that resonates the mostRead… Read more »


A popular quote attributed to Benjamin Franklin is: Nothing is certain but death and taxes. True – however, the timing of one and the amount of the other are not certain. Leaders face certainty and uncertainty when painting their vision – e.g., revenue must cover expenses for an organization to be viable, but the timingRead… Read more »

Failure to Launch: How to Fix Government IT Problems

We all know that there is no shortage of transformational ideas or exceptional public servants in government, working to improve how agencies operate. IT holds unbelievable promise to streamline processes and change the business of government. Although this potential is clear, we have seen agencies struggle to completely leverage IT. Instead of a gateway toRead… Read more »

Private Social Networks: Every Organization Needs Them

Summary: This post highlights the risks associated with public social media platforms and describes how private social networks (aka private digital networks) can reduce those risks while also enhancing communication and collaboration among organizational stakeholders. It counters the main points of resistance offered by organizational leaders and articulates the importance of being prepared to establishRead… Read more »

Believing Without Seeing

December is an interesting month for people, the deluge of the Holiday’s, the wrapping up of another year, the anticipation of the next and the lingering question of what all of it means. Will I spend another year at this job? What changes are on the horizon? Will it be the same office party nextRead… Read more »

Big Bad Big Data – Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid of Information Overload

2013 may very well go down as the year of big data. At every government conference, training, networking summit, someone was talking about how big data was transforming the way their organization operates. But one program rose above the rest. This year the Army’s EMDS was selected as FedScoop’s IT Program of the Year basedRead… Read more »

Reducing the Role of Email in Organizations: Change is Overdue

Summary: Although social technology advocates have been calling for the death of email for several years, it’s still the dominant digital channel by which people in organizations communicate and collaborate. The role of email in our work lives should be reduced, however, both because of its own inefficiencies and the increased availability of better tools.Read… Read more »