
Uncool to work for gov? – End of Year Review

The end of the year means two things: setting unrealistic New Year’s resolutions and endless retrospectives. While we can’t force you to put down the cake and pick up a carrot, we can help you do your job better by highlighting some of the biggest and best innovations to come out of government in theRead… Read more »

The Flexibility Test: Does Your Organization Have a Flexibility Culture?

The principal difference between the 21st century workplace and the 20th century (19th century?) work culture in which so many of us live is flexibility. While some organizations have made a commitment to an outcomes-based approach to meeting mission objectives, others are still stuck in a compliance culture that values by-the-book processes and policies overRead… Read more »

GovLoop’s 20 Innovations that Mattered in 2013 – Did Your Agency Make the List?

Announcing GovLoop’s Latest Resource “20 Innovations that Mattered in 2013” DOWNLOAD HERE The end of the year means two things: setting unrealistic New Year’s resolutions and endless retrospectives. While we can’t force you to put down the cake and pick up a carrot, we can help you to do your job better by highlighting someRead… Read more »

6 Obstacles Facing Women in Federal Workplace Examined in New Report

Are working women better off in the public sector or the private sector? A new report by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) identifies and examines six major obstacles hindering equal opportunities for women in the federal workforce, in addition to highlighting stakeholder recommendations. The good news for Uncle Sam is that working womenRead… Read more »

As a Leader – Do You Broadcast on ‘AM’ or ‘FM’?

“What we have here is a ‘Failure to Communicate’” is a memorable line from the classic movie, Cool Hand Luke. Without a doubt, ‘Failure to Communicate’ is a problem found in many organizations. I witnessed ‘Failure to Communicate’ early in my military career and it taught me a valuable leadership lesson. I often relied onRead… Read more »

Spreading Holiday Cheer With… Google Spreadsheets?

In the final season of 30 Rock, Liz Lemon finally finds something she can be excited about with her husband: spreadsheets. When her boss hands her an impossible schedule, she dives into the world of extreme organization and suddenly becomes very passionate about it. The show is a comedy and this plot is funny becauseRead… Read more »

Tough Decisions and Business Values

Because the issue recently came up, I thought I would offer a quick note about Business Values… When you are trying to write value statements for your company or nonprofit or team or community group, you can’t simply list a whole bunch of “nice things.” Those lists get posted on some web-page or coffee roomRead… Read more »

Making Mars Matter – A look at social media in 2013

The end of the year means two things: setting unrealistic New Year’s resolutions and endless retrospectives. While we can’t force you to put down the cake and pick up a carrot, we can help you do your job better by highlighting some of the biggest and best innovations to come out of government in theRead… Read more »

PRIME Leadership – Trend 6: Leadership

This is part of a series called “PRIME Leadership,”* examining six trends driving government. It was originally published by Michael Keegan on the IBM Center for the Business of Government blog. Governments today face serious, seemingly intractable public management issues that go to the core of effective governance and leadership — testing the very form,Read… Read more »

SUCCESS RULE # 28 Create a Vision/Dream Board

Recognizing many of us tend to make New Year Resolutions only for them to fall by the wayside, today, and for the next few upcoming Rules and Tools I’ll share with you tools you can use to increase your success . If you’ve been following LDI’s Rules and Tools for Success for any period ofRead… Read more »