
3 Open Source Myths Debunked

Open source has proven to be a secure, cost-effective and high quality software solution. So why are so many agencies reluctant to adopt an open source platform? It turns out that many of the obstacles to open source cited by technology personnel are based on myths. We spoke with Chris Mattmann, senior computer scientist atRead… Read more »

Tips, Tricks and Techniques for Having Fun and Becoming More Effective When Doing Impromptu Public Speaking

On Thursday, November 21, SPICE Toastmasters heard from a dynamic speaker — 2013 District 27 Table Topics Winner Clarence Featherson! Our Toastmaster of the Day kicked off this special meeting with the pledge of allegiance, mission statement, word of the day, and inspirational quote. Word of the Day: Cogent – Convincing or believable Inspirational Quote:Read… Read more »

Honoring JFK’s Civil Rights Legacy

President John F. Kennedy played a significant role in shaping the legal landscape and evolution of groundbreaking civil rights laws in America — a role which transcended the times in which he lived. Moreover, through his words and deeds JFK helped change the hearts and minds of some otherwise bigoted whites for whom discrimination wasRead… Read more »

Your Federal Open Season Cheat Sheet: Top 7 Questions

‘Tis the season, Federal employees. Open season, that is. We know this time of year can be something less than joyful. In fact, we know that’s true because you told us. In our survey of more than 250 federal employees, just over half of respondents said that they feel “fuzzy, but know just enough toRead… Read more »

Moving On Up: 5 Tips On How To Survive (And Thrive) During an Office Move

Your boxes are packed; you’re ready to go, right? Unfortunately, moving office spaces is not as simple as packing up your favorite pen and timing a new commute. Even in the age of the cloud, telework and BYOD, transferring the operations of your agency into a new space can be a difficult process. Recently, GovLoopRead… Read more »

Are You (Mentally) Tough Enough?

This morning I read a post on Forbes.com that spoke to what mentally tough people DON’T do. These 13 “never do” points originally compiled by Amy Morin, a psychotherapist and licensed clinical social worker originally shared in LifeHack, are critical for anyone who wants to live a life above the ordinary negativity of daily upsRead… Read more »

5 Things Federal Employees Cannot Change

“In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” – Robert Frost Why is it that despite our best efforts, many of us are still unhappy and unfulfilled in our lives/careers? Author David Richo says the key to happiness is to accept difficult realities, drop our resistance to them,Read… Read more »