
The Choice of Leadership

Originally posted on www.govlife.ca I’ve been reading a lot about leadership lately, mainly thanks to George’s weekly roundups here on #govlife. Earlier this week Scott wrote a piece on leadership as well, The New Government Leader. He talked about the behaviours that define tomorrow’s successful government leaders. The article he referenced suggested that future leadersRead… Read more »

Thinking Differently about Data, Apps, and Policy

In economics studies for policy guidance, the apps used to interpret the data are normally opaque. So, if there are errors, the policy guidance can be misleading, but that fact can go unnoticed. A paper entitled “Social Knowledge Transfer Using Executable English” describes a US national economic policy example, and suggests a way of makingRead… Read more »

Partnerships for Innovation: Food Cowboy

Recently, I shared a story about public and private sector partnerships that are delivering innovation and service. Unfortunately, the media tends to focus on the problems that can occur with public-private partnerships, instead of the incredible potential. With that in mind, I came across this story on National Public Radio about a struggling D.C.-based charitableRead… Read more »

Don’t Fake Empathy – Really Walk in your Employee’s Shoes

As employees start to return to normal after the government shutdown, managers are finding it difficult to effectively communicate with employees. Leaders are tasked with toeing a fine line between talking about the impacts of the shutdown and engaging people in the work that needs to be done. The key to effectively navigating the lineRead… Read more »

The shutdown is over – resentments remain?

We’ve been away for some time now, so please don’t expect that we can return to normalcy in a day or even a week. We need each of you to take time, each hour, to check on your co workers and offer encouragement and comfort where necessary. We are one team, the best team inRead… Read more »