
Essentially Non-Essential – How to deal with the monikers when gov reopens

We’ll say it as many times as it takes: “You Are Essential!” Yes, you heard us. Every federal employee is essential. That’s why GovLoop launched the You Are Essential campaign. (To join in and get some sweet swag click here.) But the “You Are Essential” mantra doesn’t change the fact that some people were requiredRead… Read more »

3 Potential Outcomes to Fiscal Stalemate: how and when will it end?

According to the so-called “conventional wisdom” in Washington, the current fiscal impasse should end any day now. This is especially true as Thursday’s deadline fast approaches for dodging a disastrous debt default. Moreover, the American people’s anger continues to grow over the government shutdown. But what is considered to be Washington wisdom these days mayRead… Read more »

The Early Bird Gets the Worm, but the Brave Bird Gets… the Fries?!?!

Summary: Using a bird metaphor, this post discusses the importance of taking calculated risks to achieve goals, as well as the costs associated with risk aversion. The lessons offered are both timeless and uniquely relevant to the adoption of social and digital technologies. Additional lessons are welcome. (from the Denovati SMART Blog) This is oneRead… Read more »

L-Podcast Episode 005 – Charles Surpitski, Chairman of the Board of Selectman for the Town of Ipswich Massachusetts

Welcome to the continuing series of discussions with thought leaders who are bringing new and innovative solutions to the challenges government faces in delivering services to the citizen. +++++++ My guest for this episode is Chairman of the Board of Selectman for the Town of Ipswich Massachusetts, Charles Surpitski. Mr. Surpitski and I discuss aRead… Read more »

Looking Back to See Forward: Our Salute to President John Kennedy on the 50th Anniversary of the Community Mental Health Act

BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE, October 10, 2013 by Ron Manderscheid, PhD Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on twitter Share on google More Sharing Services NOTE: October 23rd is the date on which the 50th anniversary of President Kennedy’s 1963 Community Mental Health Act will be celebrated in Boston. That Act has cast a long shadowRead… Read more »

Shutdown Showdown: 5 Priorities to Restore Fairness for Feds

For years now, the beleaguered federal workforce has paid too high a price for the political ineptitude of Congress. Hard working and loyal public servants should never be used as political pawns in an ideological chess match. Feds are not sacrificial lambs that lawmakers can conveniently use to cover up their own conspicuous failure toRead… Read more »

Democracy New Hampshire Style

A recent analysis by Jim Heaney, documented the declining rate of voting taking place in Buffalo. Only 20% of registered Democrats voted in the Buffalo Mayor primary election. The number of people participating in school board elections is even worse at 7%. The state of New Hampshire ranks higher than the national average for voterRead… Read more »

The First Step in Rebuilding Trust During the Government Shutdown

As I was sifting through updates on Facebook last night, I came across an interesting photo that one of my friends “Liked” on her Facebook page. The picture was of a letter sent from Republican Congresswoman, Ann Wagner, to Dan Strodel, Chief Administrative Officer, requesting that her pay be withheld throughout the shutdown. Ann’s requestRead… Read more »