
3 Questions to ask before you make a big decision

Oftentimes l will have somebody come into my office and sketch something out pretty quickly and then look for a decision on the spot. Now if you don’t make the decision quickly you’re holding up progress but there’s always the risk that by making the decisions without the right information, you leave yourself open toRead… Read more »

Believing in the Impossible Because You Didn’t Know It was Impossible: An Agency of the Future Event Recap

At GovLoop’s Agency of the Future Event, Ann Rodriguez, Director of Global Brand Marketing for Soccer and Lacrosse at Under Armour said, “I didn’t know I couldn’t,” as she referenced the culture at Under Armour. “I didn’t’ know I couldn’t” is part of Under Armour founder Kevin Plank’s philosophy for his company. Under Armour wasRead… Read more »

What Is Leadership? An Agency of the Future Event Recap

Speaking at GovLoop’s Agency of the Future event yesterday, keynote speaker, David Bray of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) defined leadership as, “passion to improve our world.” Breaking apart that definition, Bray spoke on the subjects of leadership, passion, and improving our world, sharing with audience members his recommendations for achieving future success in eachRead… Read more »

EEOC & DOL Hosting Twitter Chat 9/25 on Disability Issues in Federal Sector

How much do you know about the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Rehab Act) and disability-related issues in the federal sector workforce? Learn more on Wednesday, Sept. 25, from 1:00-2:00 p.m. (ET), when the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) host a live “Twitter Chat” in commemoration of theRead… Read more »

The Road to Transformational Leadership

This article outlines the four main qualities of a successful transformational leader. Here’s an interesting excerpt: “Research evidence clearly shows that groups led by transformational leaders have higher levels of performance and satisfaction than groups led by other types of leaders. Why? Because transformational leaders hold positive expectations for followers, believing that they can doRead… Read more »

Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations: The Importance of Workplace Diversity

Why is creating a diverse team important? Do you know how to create diverse teams? As the Vulcan’s say, “Infinite diversity in infinite combinations.” Diverse groups of individuals bring diverse ideas and experiences, diverse ideas and experiences contribute to increased sharing of thoughts and ideas, development of new solutions, and increased innovation. All this contributesRead… Read more »

Government of the Future – How Competitions Create Innovation

Some of the most innovative ideas in government aren’t coming from the C-Suite, but from university students. Each year Governing Magazine hosts a competition for university students looking to change the way government works. It’s called thePublic Policy Challenge and it’s goal is to think through the entire process of an idea, from concept toRead… Read more »

10 Digital Era Truths (that still must be realized)

This post reminds readers – especially technology hold outs – of ten Digital Era truths that individuals, organizations, and communities must accept and (eventually) embrace. Other truths are welcome. In the summer of 2011 I wrote a blog post about the vital role social and digital technologies played in the planning and execution of aRead… Read more »

Designing Dashboards: Important questions everyone should be asking

I was talking to a client the other day about the particular dashboard we were putting together for them. We had a few different people in the room and we were discussing: What should go on it What should be left off What sort of decisions it will help support How often would different peopleRead… Read more »