
Containing an outbreak, saving lives – Plus Your Weekend Reads

Disease outbreaks can cripple communities and economies alike. Back in September 2012, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention began receiving reports from health officials in Tennessee about patients diagnosed with a rare form of meningitis. This worrisome information set off alarm bells at the CDC, which quickly launched an emergency response team led byRead… Read more »

How to build the leadership bench

Nearly two-thirds of the Senior Executive Service will be eligible for retirement in the next five years. Those retirements will leaving a huge leadership gap for agencies. McKinsey and the Partnership for Public Service have teamed up to look at the SES problem. They’ve published their findings in a new report, Building the Leadership Bench.Read… Read more »

There is still time to join Boxer Advisors for a free, interactive webinar!

“Top 10 low-cost, high-impact strategies for Federal Government Officials” will be held on Thursday, August 29th at 12:30 PM EDT. We will candidly discuss how to address the most pressing challenges facing the federal government and offer easily translatable solutions. To register, click on the following link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7031083642561898240

Millennial Misunderstanding – Why They Love Community Service, But Not Government

A recent article in the Atlantic commented, “Young people are eager to serve and to change the world. They just have no faith that public service or elected office are the way to get it done.” That’s a pretty staggering statement, and a not-so-good prediction for the future of the government workforce. We wanted toRead… Read more »

Tri-Sector Leadership Skills

Why are some public sector leaders — like John Koskinen, Ed DeSeve, and Michael Bloomberg – so successful at what they do? An article in the September issue of Harvard Business Review by Nick Lovegrove and Matthew Thomas tries to explain why. They examine the careers of leaders who have been successful in addressing complexRead… Read more »

City On a Hill: Turning the Dreams of the Past into the Reality of the Future

When America’s founding fathers created the framework for government, they wanted a system to inspire the world. They sought to make the United States “a city on a hill” that would inspire democracy, equality, and liberty. Achieving this dream has been an uphill battle. Yet, the resources we have today could make the climb easierRead… Read more »

Government – The Ultimate Experiment in Open Source?

GitHub is the world’s largest social coding service. “Think of GitHub as Facebok but instead of sharing pictures of your kids or what you had for lunch, you share software code,” said Ben Balter. Balter is the Government Evangelist for GitHub. He told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program that GitHub at its most basicRead… Read more »