
The Government Can Save Dollars by Eliminating Pennies (and Why it Will Never Happen)

(Author’s Note! My comments are a bit tongue-in-cheek, although with a lot of underlying truths based on my career experiences. Please consider it fun stuff. I loved my career!) During a recent trip to Canada I noticed that each time I received change it was rounded to the nearest nickel. At first I thought itRead… Read more »

Players and Doers

Players learn the commands for the video game and run up the score. Doers learn how to do something to get results. Players value image – being in the right place, knowing the right people, being included in the right projects. Doers value completion – collaboration moving the project forward, process improvement to gain efficiency,Read… Read more »

Demystifying Economic Development’s relationship with Commercial Property

Which comes first, jobs or space? Most people think economic development is foremost about jobs—but employers need space before they can offer jobs. This chicken-and-egg dynamic has many communities re-examining the relationship between economic development and commercial property. Here are three powerful reasons for economic development pros to make commercial real estate a bigger priority:Read… Read more »

Status check – Is the fed gov actually teleworking?

The number of people teleworking in the federal government is a bit murky. The reason for the unclear percentage is that agencies are struggling to report actual numbers to the Office of Personnel Management. Those were the findings of a Government Accountability report. Yvonne Jones is the Director of Strategic Issues at the GAO. SheRead… Read more »

Slaughter in Syria: Evil Triumphs When “Good Men Do Nothing”

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing“ — Edmund Burke. America and our allies would be wise to heed Burke’s warning in regard to the ongoing slaughter in Syria by Bashar al-Assad, the megalomaniac of the Middle East. Appeasing Assad through military inaction only damages America’sRead… Read more »

Containing an outbreak, saving lives – Plus Your Weekend Reads

Disease outbreaks can cripple communities and economies alike. Back in September 2012, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention began receiving reports from health officials in Tennessee about patients diagnosed with a rare form of meningitis. This worrisome information set off alarm bells at the CDC, which quickly launched an emergency response team led byRead… Read more »

How to build the leadership bench

Nearly two-thirds of the Senior Executive Service will be eligible for retirement in the next five years. Those retirements will leaving a huge leadership gap for agencies. McKinsey and the Partnership for Public Service have teamed up to look at the SES problem. They’ve published their findings in a new report, Building the Leadership Bench.Read… Read more »