
Can Any Government Official From Missouri Confirm this?

Missouri has no illegal aliens? A colleague sent this to me and I am skeptical this is true. Missouri’s approach to the problem of illegal immigration appears to be more advanced, sophisticated, strict and effective than anything to date in Arizona. So, why doesn’t Missouri receive attention? Answer: There are no illegal’s in Missouri toRead… Read more »

Your Leadership Tribe

Everyone has a tribe – family and friends, other people with whom you have a relationship. This tribe is primarily involved with you in social, support, and general activities. People you’ve invited (or inherited) to participate in your life. Taking it to a higher level, Seth Godin wrote about tribes, seeing them as the confluenceRead… Read more »

Reducing crime by 35%, how one Sammies Finalist made it happen – Plus your weekend reads!

Violent crime rates on Indian reservations are twice as high as the national crime rate. Charles Addington, the associate director for field operations from the Bureau of Indian Affairs, was tasked with coming up with a solution to reduce crime on reservations by 5%. Addington’s data driven approach to policing was so successful, that violentRead… Read more »

Adding Organizational Values

“The most important contributions in the workplace are to add values and to be able to influence others to perform ethically through our actions and performance outcomes. We have an obligation to shape a compassionate, fair to all, and ethical workplace. Don’t worry what others do or gain but worry that not doing the rightRead… Read more »

Compete Like a Man, Lead Like a Woman

Yesterday morning, I attended Drupal GovDays 2013 at the National Institutes of Health campus. While I have limited web design and coding experience, I found the conference valuable in that it showcased the power of technology in bringing people together to discuss leading practices and new tools. The depth and breadth of the speaker topicsRead… Read more »

Is inter-agency collaboration just an expanded version of the dreaded group project?

We’ve all been part of the dreaded group project before. So you know there is always a weaker member, someone who doesn’t pull their own weight. The same phenomenon is true for inter-agency collaboration projects. Sometimes one agency just doesn’t give as much time or resources to a project as others. “One of the waysRead… Read more »

What Did You Say to Me? | Increasing Workplace Communication

Workplace communication isn’t easy. Communication. Everything, from personal to business relationships hinges on it. Communicate too little, too much, or incorrectly and everything you’ve worked for can fall apart. When people communicate properly, in a way that makes all parties feel heard, even conflict and criticism can be constructive and lead to positive results. HumansRead… Read more »

Are you speaking my language? How to become bureaucratically multi-cultural

“Today the big issues facing our government do not fall neatly into one agency’s mission. Food safety laws for example are regulated by 15 different agencies and teams. In order to find real solutions we need an enterprise approach,” said Ron Sanders. But the problem is government doesn’t collaboration very effectively or easily. Sanders isRead… Read more »