
What is your introduction story?

Last week, the Partnership for Public Service held an event on Diversity and Inclusion Leadership in the 21st Century. One of the most memorable moments of the discussion was meeting the Secretary of the Department of the Interior, Sally Jewell, who’s recently transitioned to her government role from the private sector. Before President Obama nominatedRead… Read more »

The Changing Social Paradigm

The Web provided the pathways. The software provided the user with sophisticated tools and utilities. Social media – like Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Twitter, GovLoop – provided the community and forum. All of which has contributed to far reaching change in the way we interact, conduct business, pursue careers, and entertain ourselves. bitod (back inRead… Read more »

Meet the Steve Jobs of the Social Security Administration – Plus Your Weekend Reads

Every year more than 45 million people visit a Social Security office. And as anyone who has visited the office knows, it can be plagued by long lines and tedious paperwork. David Broomell, a longtime Social Security programmer and project manager, decided to make a change. He created a program called VIP (Visitor Intake Process).Read… Read more »

GPRA Modernization – Just More Bureaucracy Or A New Way To Work?

Earlier this week the President unveiled his new management agenda, part of the process involves a renewed emphasis on creating metrics to evaluate an agency’s programs and goals. That focus falls under the GPRA Modernization Act. The new legislation provides the government with the foundation for strengthening agency efforts to use strategic planning and performanceRead… Read more »

10 Best Practices to Implement When Designing Survey Questions

On Tuesday, July 9, I discussed the “10 Best Practices to Utilize When Designing an Effective Survey.” To complement this post, I will outline a few simple practices to follow when designing survey questions. These practices are overall meant to increase response rates and ensure validity is maintained. 1. Short as Possible: Questions should beRead… Read more »

Seven Lessons to Ensure Success of Customer Experience Initiatives

“To optimize both your market share and your margins, you must provide customers with consistent, compelling experiences—before, during, and after their purchases—across all channels.” – Oracle, Seven Power Lessons for Customer Experience Leaders With the increasing use of social media, it is more important than ever for organizations, both public and private, to provide theirRead… Read more »

RFP-EZ is Headed to the States – Contracting Made Simple

When it comes down to it acquisition should be every bargain shoppers dream job. Think about it, you get to research, locate and buy the best goods and services for the federal government at the best price. But it isn’t that simple. The Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), the timetable and options are very limiting toRead… Read more »

How Local Government Decisions Are Really Made

People often seem surprised by the decisions local public officials make. It’s not uncommon to hear community residents say, “What the heck were they thinking about when they …???” Since I enjoyed the privilege of a lengthy career in local government, I was able to personally observe the process many local government bodies used toRead… Read more »