
Making Better Decisions: Leveraging Your Resources In Challenging Times

Often times it seems like the government’s answer to a problem is to add more regulations or requirements. To pile on the problem rather than really look for a solution. AGA and six national associations of government officials released a call-to-action guide designed to help promote trust in government by limiting government requirements to thoseRead… Read more »

Federal Government Marks Independence Day on Social Media

As America celebrates the Fourth of July this year, several federal agencies and the White House have released commemorative information via Twitter and other social media, including: USA.gov & OPM: “The Fourth of July, or Independence Day, is a federal holiday that celebrates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. FindRead… Read more »

Half Empty or Half Full?

A recent GAO report on the executive branch’s approach to new requirements in the Government Performance and Results Act recommends that “OMB improve the implementation of the act.” But a sub-theme in the report describes how agencies are actually building a long-term, solid foundation for a performance-driven government. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) is requiredRead… Read more »

Constraints are Killers for IT Projects

After working on information technology projects for many years, I’m here to declare what may be obvious — it’s not the technology that’s the problem, it’s the constraints. Software and hardware technology keeps improving, and offers many innovations that can dramatically change how government and business work. But the constraints remain intractable. Project management literatureRead… Read more »

A New Era at OPM – 4 Things the New Director Should Focus On

President Obama nominated Katherine Archuleta to be the next director of the Office of Personnel Management, who took over for John Berry. Archuleta, who has previously served as the national political director for Obama’s re-election campaign and chief of staff at the Labor Department, is the first Latina to head the agency. But she hasRead… Read more »

Learn EEO: 16th Annual EEOC EXCEL Training, Aug. 27-29 in Denver

Experience EXCEL-lence in EEO! The EXCEL Training Conference is sponsored by the EEOC’s Training Institute. In its 16th year, EXCEL is the premier Federal training conference for EEO managers, suervisors, practitioners, HR professionals, attorneys and ADR specialists. EXCEL provides training in topics from ADR to MD-715 and much, much more. New to EXCEL 2013 isRead… Read more »

America at 237: A Guiding Light or A Dimming Beacon?

Having made two trips to Egypt since the Arab Spring to work with current and emerging political leaders, I closely follow its ever-changing political situation. In the past week, the protests that allowed the country to exercise its voice for democracy has turned into ugly battles between the right and left, between those feeling unempoweredRead… Read more »

Gone Digital – How the Smithsonian Plans to Digitize 130 Million Objects

Only about 1% of the Smithsonian’s massive collection of archives is on display at any given time at the museums. That means that 99% of the archives are off limits to the public and scientists alike. “If people can’t access the archives they might as well not exist,” said Gunter Waibel. Waibel is is theRead… Read more »