
5 Traits of Public Servants

One of my favorite parts of running GovLoop is that I get to meet so many public servants across all levels (federal,state, local, international), functions (IT to public works to HR), agencies (environment to budget agencies), and countries (US to Singapore to Italy). I was reflecting the other day that no matter the differences thereRead… Read more »

Equal Pay Act Turns 50: Female Feds Fare Better Than Private Sector Counterparts

Is equal pay or gender-based wage bias a problem in your workplace? In case you missed it, June 10 marked the half-century anniversary of the Equal Pay Act, which prohibits gender-based wage discrimination in employment. One might think that pay equity for women would have been reached after 50 years. Alas, this goal remains fleeting.Read… Read more »

Something of Value

Let’s look at two situations: A presenter, when asked if said she would make the program slides available to the meeting attendees said no offering this reason – this is my professional work and I will not give away my thoughts and insight. Eric Raymond, wrote about the open source software model (he was instrumentalRead… Read more »

Lessons Learned: IRS Employee Training Videos & Conferences

Can things get any worse for the embattled IRS? Like any large business, the federal government is not immune from good investments going bad, or making bad investments altogether. Unfortunately, this stereotype continues to plague public perception regarding the business of government. The entire IRS imbroglio just makes a bad situation worse. No Room forRead… Read more »

Why Are Millennials Wary of Working for Gov? Plus your weekend reads!

Nationally millennials make up about a third of the workforce, but in government that percentage hoovers around 8%. What can the government do to reverse the trend? Tim McManus is the Vice President for Education and Outreach at the Partnership for Public Service. He told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program that government needs toRead… Read more »

Deep De-Bureaucratization Case

Every single one of us who is a government employee feels the pain of government bureaucracy! The deep disconnects that drive us crazy. How can we reconnect the programs and technology and people and politics, etc? How can we anticipate and influence the growth in people and our organizations’ capabilities? These are the questions thatRead… Read more »

Shaking Up City Hall!

Bill Schrier served for 30 years as an employee for the city of Seattle. For the past ten years until his recent retirement Mr. Schrier served as the Chief Technology Officer for Seattle. As part of a Seattle newspaper series, Schrier was asked if he were Mayor of Seattle, what three actions would he takeRead… Read more »