
A New Player in the Federal Space – The Volcker Alliance – Helping Gov Do its Job Better

“Helping you do your job better” – that is the mission of the DorobekINSIDER and now it is also the mission of the Volcker Alliance, a group founded by Paul Volcker, the former chairman of the Federal Reserve. “Trust in American government has been declining for decades. Trust rests on confidence, and too often government,Read… Read more »

Understanding portfolio thinking to improve your organization

Categorize information into meaningful “buckets” I think one of the things that I see more often than anything else is organizations struggling with getting information in the right places to make the right decisions. There’s a sense that they’re not sure how they’re performing or it’s hard for the organization to understand how it’s doing.Read… Read more »

What The Walking Dead can teach us about Economic Development

Today’s economy is a challenging environment for economic development, but it’s no zombie apocalypse. With The Walking Dead setting ratings records, it’s safe to say plenty of economic development professionals watch every episode. But does this nerve-wracking saga of desperate survivors battling flesh-eating zombies offer anything worth pondering from an economic development standpoint? Of courseRead… Read more »

Logic Models: The Best Way to Ensure Proper Program Design and Implementation

Good Idea + Smart Design + Effective Implementation = Successful Program! Logic models are great way to gain a better understanding of a program and its position within the overall organization. Many program evaluators recommend organizations, especially public and nonprofit, create these models to ensure that a program is effective in meeting its intended goals.Read… Read more »

0954 Deputy Director for Financial Management and Administration (DDFMA)

The City and County of San Francisco, Department of Public Works, is recruiting for the position of Deputy Director for Financial Management and Administration (DDFMA). The Department is seeking an outstanding individual to provide leadership, direction, and management for the Office of Financial Management and Administration (OFFMA), which is comprised of Finance, Budget and PerformanceRead… Read more »

Breaking down the first year of PortfolioStat

Last March the Office of Management and Budget unveiled PortfolioStat. The goal was simple, help agencies save time, money and resources by giving them a tool to asses their portfolio management process. Andrew McMahon is a Senior Policy Advisor at OMB. He oversees PortfolioStat. McMahon was a panelist at an AFCEA Bethesda event that theRead… Read more »

The Solution to Facelessness is Authenticity

Originally published at cpsrenewal.ca In my last piece I positioned problem of the facelessness bureaucracy not as an abstract problem that manifests between civil servants and the citizens they serve, but rather a very real problem between civil servants themselves (See: The Real Problem of Facelessness) and in so doing encouraged individual public servants toRead… Read more »

Why Blog?

Why blog? When we asked folks at Blah, Blah, Blog and Blog Lab why they blog, here’s a few of their answers: The boss told me to Recruiters will see me I may make money by blogging I am a writer, and therefore I blog I have something to say and want to share it.Read… Read more »