
Atlanta Is Engaging Citizens Through Apps

The city of Atlanta has embraced technology and the data created from creative apps developed by citizens in a big way, as reported in an article at Creative Loafing Atlanta. Some examples of interesting things happening in Atlanta: Tires App– Tires dumped on the side of the road or in vacant lots is a neighborhhodRead… Read more »

Meet the Bug Guy Who Is Saving Lives – SAMMIES Finalist

The Service to America Medals are like the Oscars for Federal Employees. Each year the Partnership for Public Service honors feds who do amazing work in seven different catorgories. You can see all the nominees here. All summer long the DorobekINSIDER will be interviewing the finalists. First up is Kenneth Linthicum, the Director of theRead… Read more »

Could the Scandal at IRS Discourage Decision Making?

By now everyone has heard about the situation brewing over at the IRS. But here is a brief refresher: A Treasury Department inspector general criticized IRS management for not providing sufficient oversight for agency workers who evaluate applications for tax-exempt status. The report said that laxity contributed to workers screening for words like “tea party”Read… Read more »

Selling a revolutionary idea in 5 minutes or less ?

The 2013 Next Generation of Government Summit includes a speaker contest where nominations were solicited for topics that identified an innovative project or a great idea to revolutionize government. The uniqueness of the contest is that the speakers only had “5 minutes” to sell their idea. Although my topic was not selected, the challenge inspiredRead… Read more »

@Boston_Police – CTO John Daley talks Twitter and the bombings

It was the the tweet heard around the country: “CAPTURED!!! The hunt is over. The search is done. The terror is over. And justice has won. Suspect in custody” The first official announcement that law enforcement agencies had concluded their manhunt for Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev didn’t come at a press conference. ItRead… Read more »

Does Your Business Suck?

Well, does your business or agency suck? I doubt you’ve asked yourself this question before in quite such a direct manner. This might sound harsh, and maybe it is. Lousy customer service, poor innovation, and bad leadership all contribute to terrible organizational culture- those things all impact your performance and how successful your business is.Read… Read more »


There’s a descriptive term which could result in more accurate communications: fixin’. You are fixin’ when you are not yet doing, are not yet planning to do, are not yet getting ready to do…you are almost ready to get ready to do something. A classic example is when a family gathering is winding down. DepartingRead… Read more »

5 Leadership Lessons from the IRS Scandal – Plus Your Memorial Day Reads!

Almost two weeks have passed since the Internal Revenue Service first publicly admitted to singling out conservative groups. What we know: In short, the IRS targeted certain conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status for extra scrutiny at beginning in 2010, according to an inspector general’s report. Lois G. Lerner, the agency official who oversees tax-exempt groups,Read… Read more »