
How DOD Evolved Its Leadership Model, Agility with General Stanley McChrystal – Plus Your Weekend Reads

In order to be a great leader you have to be agile and open. Those are two things that don’t lend themselves naturally to the Defense Department. The DoD is known for it’s hierarchical culture, but that is changing, because the nature of war is changing. Now the DOD is facing opponents without borders orRead… Read more »

Daring Greatly (1)

“It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errsRead… Read more »

Stonewalling Release Of Public Records Is Unacceptable

Federal & State Freedom of Information Laws (FOIL), allows citizens to obtain copies of government records. In 2009, the Buffalo News after not receiving adequate responses to several FOIL requests wrote an editorial directed to Mayor Byron Brown stating: “The law is clear. When we request city records, you must provide them, completely and inRead… Read more »

What’s Next for the Digital Government Strategy – DorobekINSIDER LIVE Expert Panel Discusses

Yesterday, there was a special edition of the DorobekINSIDER Live focusing on the Digital Government Strategy, One Year Later. One year ago, federal CIO Steven VanRoekel announced the Digital Government Strategy that grew to include mobile, open data, and how to measure all of this “stuff” in this age of austerity. A full synopsis ofRead… Read more »

The Business of IT – Find the Right Focus

The partisan environment in Washington has resulted in a near paralysis of logical decision making. The sequestration is just the latest, perhaps most egregious, example. Is this the best our leaders can do? What will it take to change things for the better? How should CIOs and other Federal executives execute their missions under theseRead… Read more »

10 Great Commencement Quotes

Anyone go to a graduation this weekend? If you didn’t know, it’s graduation season. Where I live near a college campus, the students are packing up and moving on to summer jobs. My favorite part of graduation – commencement speeches. When else do we have a ton of successful people, share their tips on success.Read… Read more »

Stop Talkin’ Bout My Generation

Generation Y, Millennials, Generation C (for Connected), sometimes even (perhaps incorrectly), the iGeneration. These are the labels that haunt the members of my generation. The large groups of people spanning decades before me are called Baby Boomers, Generation Xers, and a wealth of other names, each with their own negative and positive attributes. “Baby BoomersRead… Read more »

Invite Failure – What the Innovative Agencies Are Doing Right

In order for an agency to be innovative you have to empower your employees and leave room for failure. So which agencies are doing that effectively? Dan Helfrich is a Principal at Deloitte Consulting. The Partnership for Public Service and Deloitte’s new Best Places to Work in the Federal Government analysis found that the vastRead… Read more »

Celebrating Public Service Recognition Week

This article was originally published on the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s online public administration program blog, Inside the MPA@UNC. — During the week of May 5, the Partnership for Public Service hosts Public Service Recognition Week. The event celebrates the work of our nation’s public servants and also educates the public onRead… Read more »

How Radical Connectivity Is Changing the Way Government Operates

“You hear people talk about the impact of the internet or mobile phones or social media but none of those words really capture what is going on. People today have enormous amounts of power in their phones, they are also connected to the internet at all times and that has real cascade ramifications in aRead… Read more »