
Seven Compelling Reasons to Terminate a Local Government Employee

During my career in local government, there were numerous times individuals running for public office would boast that when they get into office they were going to clean house, get rid of waste, and fire unnecessary public employees to reduce the payroll. Man, that rhetoric sure sounded good during the campaign; however from what IRead… Read more »

The View From the Top – How SES’ers View Gov

A few weeks ago we talked with Deloitte’s Dan Helfrich about how feds view their leaders. To be frank, it isn’t positive. Check out the recap here. So how do senior execs feel? Deloitte and the Partnership for Public Service are back with another survey to answer that question. Helfrich is a Principal at DeloitteRead… Read more »

Pissed Off People = Poor Profits: Lessons From Andrew Carnegie in Business & Employee Engagement

What lessons in employee engagement and business can we learn from Andrew Carnegie? For starters… Pissed off people = poor profits! That’s a lesson that Andrew Carnegie learned the hard way. Carnegie was a titan of industry and a true entrepreneur. I’ll spare the detailed history lesson, though suffice to say he came from nothing,Read… Read more »

Happy People = Higher Profits: Lessons from Henry Ford in Business & Leadership

Happy People = Higher Profits! That’s a lesson that Henry Ford learned early in his entrepreneurial business and leadership career. Ford’s success began during a significant time of change in America. When the Ford Motor Company was officially started in 1903, the government was cracking down on industry. The government was making a statement againstRead… Read more »

April Showers? The Federal Performance Agenda

When it rains, it pours! April saw a lot of action regarding the federal performance agenda. The big news for many was the announcement last week that Shelley Metzenbaum, who is the Office of Management and Budget official spearheading the Obama Administration’s performance management initiatives on a day-to-day basis, will be leaving to return homeRead… Read more »

Civic Cloud – Moving Citizen Engagement to the Cloud

“Citizen engagement means a lot more than fixing potholes,” said Maury Blackman. Blackman is the CEO of Accela. He told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program that from his standpoint citizen engagement falls into three distinct areas. Three Areas of Citizen Engagement Public Infrastructure Management: Taking care of what is in the city, potholes, downedRead… Read more »