
Using Technology to Enhance the Customer Experience – Arlington National Cemetery

“Honor – Remember – Explore,” Arlington National Cemetery’s motto has a new way to allow visitors to do just that with its ANC Explorer mobile app. The cemetery hosts 7,000 annual burials, over 3.1 million annual visitors, and sits on 624 acres of land. Visitors always had two main questions when arriving at the cemetery:Read… Read more »

Why Congress Should Be Furloughed Too

Let’s face it folks, if anyone deserves to be furloughed these days it’s obviously the U.S. Congress. The so-called “People’s House” has become a house of shame – a “Do Nothing” Congress. Our august national legislative body has turned its back on the American people for partisan political purposes and personal political self-interest. Our brokenRead… Read more »

What’s more valuable: Listening to your Spidey Senses or your Statistics?

I had a business school professor that said you had to be careful with statistics because it was like driving using the rearview mirror. I’m reminded of that because one of the major things I’ve spent the last couple weeks working on is some financial projections and trying to build out a business case. ThisRead… Read more »

Turning Data into Decisions – Why Metrics Matter

The best way to maximize performance is to make data based decisions. But that process is easier said than done…or is it? John Salamone is the Vice President at Federal Management Partners. Salomone and Rick Hartman have written a new guide, Catching the Social Media Wave: Using Data to Drive Decisions. He told Chris DorobekRead… Read more »

Boston Manhunt Proves the Power of Interagency Collaboration

“Last week was a very dark week for the country, you had what happened in Boston, West Texas and the ricin letters sent to politicians here in DC. But in the midst of those tragedies there was a bright spot and that was the work of the public servants,” said Tom Fox. Fox is theRead… Read more »

Federal EEO: How Much Do You Know?

Do you know about equal employment opportunity (EEO) in the federal government? If not, it may be time to learn more, especially as our nation, along with the federal workforce, becomes increasingly more diverse and inclusive. How much do you know about EEO? Can you learn more? The U.S. EEOC offers a variety of trainingRead… Read more »

It’s All About the People

With the evolving efficiency of technology… With the reliance on email… With buying from submitted offers and proposals… With the voicemail ‘barrier’ to talking directly… It is easy to lose sight of: It’s the people, not the paper. A face-to-face visit beats a pile of paper to get the right result.

Look Before Leaping

At NextGen+, Mark Pine, the Deputy Director at the, Griffith Observatory just gave his speech on jumping sectors in your public career. He has held positions at NASA, JPL, the Private Sector, a Non-Profit (Astronomy), and currently City Government (Griffith Observatory). The Griffith Observatory is a free to the public museum/planetarium in Los Angeles. Mr.Read… Read more »