
Half of Feds Will Be Furloughed – How Do You Stop Work From Piling Up?

We are on day 47 of the dreaded sequester and the new budget realities are starting to sink in for many agencies. More than half of the federal workforce will be hit with some for of furloughs. So how do you keep your team motivated? What is the real next step? Tom Fox is theRead… Read more »

Engagement Through Game: GovLoop Guide Identifies Elements of Social Media Excellence

A few weeks ago, GovLoop released a new guide, “The Social Media Experiment in Government: Elements of Excellence” that highlights bright spots of social media experimentation in government. The activities discussed in the guide have led to clear outcomes and mission-related impact along core functional areas. Our goal was to create a highly practical resourceRead… Read more »

The New Federal Performance System

Looking for an overview guide to understanding how the federal government goes about managing the performance of its many goals, missions, and programs? Here it is! The President’s fiscal year 2014 budget was released last week and emphasizes the creation of “a culture of performance improvement.” This is also the theme of a new IBMRead… Read more »

Awake! To the Ramparts! Very Important Work Awaits Us Tomorrow!

We must motivate the Congress to act now to prevent a future Newtown Tragedy. April 14, 2013 by Ron Manderscheid Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on twitter Share on google | More Sharing ServicesShare | Print Today, Sunday, April 14, marks the four month anniversary of the horrendous Newtown Tragedy. Essential changes regardingRead… Read more »

Vanilla Ice had it right: STOP, Collaborate, and Listen

One of the things that I’ve realized over the last few years is that despite the fact that I’ve gained more experience, I’ve done more formal educations, taken trainings, and built a lot of personal capabilities, I seem to have trended towards more collaborative decision making. I now spend more time talking to people aboutRead… Read more »

The Senate Curtails STOCK Act Provision – Plus Your Weekend Reads

The Senate has curtailed a provision in the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act that forced legislative and executive staffers to disclose their finances on a public, searchable database. The decision comes after a major grumblings from senior executives. Congress tapped the National Academy of Public Administration to take a closer look at the provision.Read… Read more »

Should Voter Registration Be Automatic?

Oregon’s Secretary of State Kate Brown is seeking to make voter registration of individuals automatic. Brown’s plan, would allow Oregon to automatically register new voters at the time they apply for a driver’s license. Those new voters would initially be registered as unaffiliated with any political party. At a later date, they’d receive a postcardRead… Read more »