
Thursday Thoughts: 5 Elements of Meta-Leadership

I am a graduate student at George Washington University and I am fortunate enough to be taking a leadership class with a former high-level government official. My professor has served at the highest levels of government, and provides a first hand account how to lead large, complex and bureaucratic government agencies. Every Thursday I’ll postRead… Read more »

How Do You Define Success!

My insight: your success can be measured by your failures to begin with or by your wisdom to learn from those who failed. Success by luck will not sustain when life event change its course. How do you define success is up to you entirely! Your success is your personal standards, goals, and expectations. IRead… Read more »

How You Lead – From A Pragmatic Perspective

I want to share with you some recent leadership articles on my website. The content is practical and usable. Leading Towards Your Vision The importance of having a vision towards which you are leading your employees and how to define vision. What do you want your organization to look like? What is the culture? WhatRead… Read more »

Lean In

This is a personal story and it does not tell me anything! All working mothers lean in. I am interested in learning how she helps employees at Yahoo balance work and family obligations. What values does she stand up for and how she reflects those values through her company policies and practices! Actions count! MarissaRead… Read more »

The Old Dogs Have the Best New Tricks: The Best Innovators Aren’t the Youngest

I may be shooting myself in the foot here by spreading this around, but word has it that the best innovators aren’t Millennials. Many companies have been trying to create a younger work force, gently (or not so gently) encouraging older employees to retire and leave. The belief is that innovation comes from the newbies,Read… Read more »

How do you become a CIO? – Insights from outgoing NASA CIO Linda Cureton

Frequent DorobekINSIDER Live guest and federal rockstar Linda Cureton is retiring on Wednesday. It is a sad day for government. But before she sails off we wanted to pick her brain on how she had such a successful career? And get her insights on how you can chart a similar journey? Cureton was appointed asRead… Read more »

Innovation is the Magic Word: An Interview with Pamela Wright, CINO of NARA

Innovation is one of the many buzz words floating around federal agencies. In a recent interview, Pamela Wright (CINO of NARA) shared the innovation goals of the National Archives and explained two projects that are looking to achieve those goals. I had the pleasure of speaking with the Chief Innovation Officer (CINO) of the NationalRead… Read more »