
The Old Dogs Have the Best New Tricks: The Best Innovators Aren’t the Youngest

I may be shooting myself in the foot here by spreading this around, but word has it that the best innovators aren’t Millennials. Many companies have been trying to create a younger work force, gently (or not so gently) encouraging older employees to retire and leave. The belief is that innovation comes from the newbies,Read… Read more »

How do you become a CIO? – Insights from outgoing NASA CIO Linda Cureton

Frequent DorobekINSIDER Live guest and federal rockstar Linda Cureton is retiring on Wednesday. It is a sad day for government. But before she sails off we wanted to pick her brain on how she had such a successful career? And get her insights on how you can chart a similar journey? Cureton was appointed asRead… Read more »

The 1 Thing You Can Do To Make Sequestration Work FOR You

For many agencies April signaled the start of harsh budget cuts across the board including cuts to pay and benefits. For many state and local level agencies, those harsh cuts began last year. Regardless of when the cuts began, many employees find themselves in an uncomfortable situation with more time on their hands than theyRead… Read more »

Innovation is the Magic Word: An Interview with Pamela Wright, CINO of NARA

Innovation is one of the many buzz words floating around federal agencies. In a recent interview, Pamela Wright (CINO of NARA) shared the innovation goals of the National Archives and explained two projects that are looking to achieve those goals. I had the pleasure of speaking with the Chief Innovation Officer (CINO) of the NationalRead… Read more »

How To Alienate Your Colleagues on A Locally Elected Board or Council

During a fantastic career in local and municipal government I had the privilege to work with hundreds of wonderful men and women; local residents who stepped up to the plate to serve in a public office. They gave their time, devoted their energies and shared their wisdom to help make their Townships, Villages, Cities orRead… Read more »

Beating the Sequester With a Can’t Do Attitude

This just in. YOU DON’T HAVE TO TAKE THE SEQUESTER LAYING DOWN. Yep, that’s right make enough noise and you to can find funding for your entire operation. Don’t believe me? Just read this excerpt from the Washington Post: Last week, President Obama signed a spending bill that gave the Agriculture Department’s food inspectors whatRead… Read more »

Rainmaker 19 – Foam Ball

Have you ever looked at electrical conduit (pipe) inside the walls of a building? Do you know how electricians snake the wires through it? They can’t push it. The wires bend and kink. What they do is take a foam ball, the same size as the pipe, tie some fishing line to it, put aRead… Read more »

Arlington Cemetery Goes MOBILE – Take a Look at the New ANC Explorer App

If you’ve ever had the privilege to visit Arlington National Cemetery you know the grounds are vast. In fact there are more than 290,000 soldiers buried throughout the 624 acres of hallowed ground. The terrain can make it difficult for families to locate the headstone of their loved ones. So Arlington National Cemetery has goneRead… Read more »

Activities or Analytics?

“If you don’t measure it, you can’t improve it.” Like a mantra, it’s chanted over and over – but you must be measuring the right IT or you are just burning time. For an artist, which is more important – the tack hammer or the paint brush? The brush is used to create the masterpiece;Read… Read more »