
Is removing telework a morale crushing mistake? DorobekINSIDER’s Telework Week

All week the DorobekINSIDER will be talking telework. Last month Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer outlawed telework at her company. The reaction to the news was swift on both sides. With some opponents calling the decision an attack on working mothers or a real push for innovation. Yesterday we talked with San Francisco State University ProfessorRead… Read more »

Leadership: Approach Depends on Deck You’ve Been Dealt (Part 4)

The traditional leader is seen as a charismatic hero, a lone figure, towering above the rest. These are seen more in the military or business worlds – Gen. George Patton, auto executive Lee Iaccoco, computer guru Steve Jobs. But in reality, the success of a leader depends on the context, or environment, in which theyRead… Read more »

Think Creatively TODAY So Your Agency Can INNOVATE Tomorrow

Does the Spring weather make you crave new directions? Do things feel stale around your office? Do you need new ideas to solve nagging problems? Perhaps your entire team needs a dose of creative thinking. As timelines get reduced and work intensifies, the need for creative thinking increases exponentially. It is no longer enough toRead… Read more »

How to land a top paying federal job

“Is the Government Still Hiring?” Most job seekers are worried that, with budget cuts and sequestration, the federal government isn’t even hiring. But that isn’t true. Lily Whiteman is the author of the book, “How to Land a Top Paying Federal Job.” She told Chris Dorobek that, “the federal government is the country’s largest employerRead… Read more »

Impossible to Innovate and Telework? One Professor Says YES. Find Out Why.

All week the DorobekINSIDER will be talking about telework. Last month Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer outlawed telework at her company. The reaction to the news was swift on both sides. With some opponents calling the decision an attack on working mothers. But John Sullivan a Professor of Management at San Francisco State University says Mayer’sRead… Read more »

7 Unwritten Rules of Management

Have you ever heard of Bill Swanson’s “33 Unwritten Rules of Management”? In 2000, Bill Swanson, CEO of Raytheon, unleashed his 33 Unwritten Rules of Management. And it caught on – there was something that touched the nerve of many. The simplicity of the rules, the lack of jargon involved. Raytheon ended up distributing overRead… Read more »

Latest findings from a survey of 220 public service professionals

Winter 2013 PSRPanel Quarterly Questionnaire, conducted by 220 public service professionals, in January, covered a range of topics related to public service and current affairs. Continuing brighter outlook on the direction of the country: Increasingly, panelists see the country overall as heading in the right direction (59%), continuing an upward trend seen over our lastRead… Read more »

Shape research and knowledge about the important work you do

The Public Service Research Panel (PSRPanel) is a project housed at Rutgers University that supports academic and applied research in public and non-profit management and related fields. As a public service professional, you’re invited to visit the PSRPanel.org webstie to view results of our prior surveys — and to sign up to be included inRead… Read more »

Big Data revolution, changing the way we live, work and think – Plus Your Weekend Reads

Welcome to GovLoop InsightsIssue of the Week with Chris Dorobek where each week, our goal is to find an issue — a person — an idea — then helped define the past 7-days and we work to find an issue that will also will have an impact on the days, weeks and months ahead. And,Read… Read more »