
Thursday Thoughts: Public Relations in Social Media

I am a graduate student at George Washington University and I am fortunate enough to be taking a leadership class with a former high-level government official. My professor has served at the highest levels of government, and provides a first hand account how to lead large, complex and bureaucratic government agencies. Every Thursday I’ll postRead… Read more »

Open Government Is Good Government

This week March 11th is Sunshine Week, a national initiative which promotes the importance of open government and freedom of information. Communities across the country are adopting open government policiesthat commit to putting more government data and information on-line. Information such as building permits, restaurant health inspections, and crime statistics are readily available in manyRead… Read more »

Innovation – A Precious Asset

The Smith School of Business just held it’s Annual Business Summit, a forum about the pressing topics of the time. A thread throughout the sessions was the hodge-podge innovative change, rigorous adherence to the ‘traditional’ ways, rapid technological change, shifting global market advantage, and irrational attempts to maintain existing market conditions. This yields an unstableRead… Read more »

7 Learning Disabilities that Hinder Teams and Individuals

Hopefully we can all get past the fact that there are both physiological and attitudinal learning disabilities (dysfunctional attitudes and mindsets can disable our ability to learn, just as can dysfunctional physiological characteristics), and focus on the intent and content of the blog. The Parable of the Frog and The Delusion of Learning from ExperienceRead… Read more »

Top 5: Topics for Small-Talk at the Office

Ahhhh…small talk. Some people just hate the concept in itself. But in reality, you need to be good at small talk in order to get things done. It helps you build rapport before meetings, between colleagues, and across functions which in the end contributes to the main goal (getting projects done in government) Personally whenRead… Read more »

It Starts With Love

I’m sitting on my couch with my girls, watching Super Hero Squad, enjoying much needed cuddles while my thoughts drift to a replay of last weekend, an hour+ outside of Austin, Texas. It’s barely a week since Up to All of Us and a number of tweets, pictures and blog posts have been shared aboutRead… Read more »

Celebrating International Women’s Day – and Workplace Flexibility!

Today is International Women’s Day, a holiday that originated as a way of recognizing working women and promoting fair and safe working conditions. Many women across the globe face the most basic issues with respect to the conditions in which they work. In the US, we are lucky to have made great strides in thisRead… Read more »

Open up and learn

I’ve just spent a week in Japan and Korea delivering workshops on design thinking to clients. I’ve been working alongside a new colleague who, in the short time we’ve worked together, has taught me a great deal about my presentation style, the way carry myself, and my inclination (at times to my detriment) to certainty.Read… Read more »