
When to carpe diem

I spend a lot of time talking about discipline and routine. Having a regular approach to how you do business and how you run your life is beneficial to your personal performance and your job performance. It’s part of this regular approach to continual improvement that gets you to where you want to be overRead… Read more »

Wading through the sequestration back and forth – Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Sequestration is a monumental loss of government productivity and further erodes what the government is supposed to be doing,” said UMD Public Policy Dean, Don Kettl. Do you agree? The DorobekINSIDER Sequestration reader: Day 6 — There are talks The headlines: There are talks going on. Last night, President Obama metRead… Read more »

Best Buy Says Goodbye to ROWE as Another Work From Home Program Bites The Dust

Yahoo! may be trend setters after all – Best Buy just released it was ending its work from home program called Results Only Work Environment or ROWE (Well…sorta.) You now need your manager’s approval first. Actually, ironic considering ROWE first began at Best Buy in an effort to give the company a competitive advantage. TheRead… Read more »

What’s Up Next?: Continuing Resolution

Yesterday the House passed a six-month FY13 continuing resolution (CR) that maintains sequester level spending for the remainder of the fiscal year, but provides appropriations to Defense and Milcon-VA. The measure, HR 933, passed by a vote of 267-151, would extend the federal pay freeze but grants military personnel a 1.7 percent pay increase. ItRead… Read more »

A City That Supports Leadership Training

Somerville, Massachusetts is a city of 75,000 people located just north of Boston. Somerville as a city understands the importance of leadership training. Two years ago the city brought in Dr. Hugh O’Doherty a Harvard professor and leadership expert to teach City managers and department heads adaptive leadership skills. Mayor Joseph Curtatone recently created theRead… Read more »

Congratulations, GovLoop Mentors Spring 2013 Program Participants

Last night, we hosted the fourth GovLoop Mentors Program Kick-Off Event, welcoming and congratulating more than 50 new mentor pairings at the District Architecture Center in Washington, DC. I wanted to be sure and post the names of both mentees and mentors to honor their commitment to the advancement of their careers and the bettermentRead… Read more »

Sequestration Management Tip: Level With Your Employees

Sequestration is here, and it’s here to stay for at least a little while. And this new reality has created some major management challenges for government leaders. So how do you manage through the uncertainty? Tom Fox is the Vice President for Education and Outreach at the Partnership for Public Service. He told Chris DorobekRead… Read more »

Seven Steps to Successful Supervision

Whether you’ve been a supervisor for years or are new to managing people, the relationship between you as a supervisor and those you supervise is one of the most important. But between long, busy workdays and stressful situations, that relationship can get ignored or thrown out the door entirely. Elisa Ortiz, deputy director of governmentRead… Read more »

Is Government Just Pockets of Excellence?

Government is full of the best and the brightest, in fact, you might argue that the world’s foremost scientist, engineers, topic experts all reside in government. So why is it so difficult to make progress? “It’s a pocket of excellence issue,” said Richard Spires, CIO, DHS, ” he told the crowd assembled at the Excellence.GovRead… Read more »