
Finding your true north: Leadership Principles for Agencies

We get it, being in government is tough and it’s only getting tougher with budget cuts and sequestration. But one way to weather the storm is to cling tight to your leadership core principles. Tom Fox is the Vice President for Leadership and Innovation at the Partnership for Public Service. He told Chris Dorobek onRead… Read more »

New Industry Survey – Budget Impasse Already Severely Impacting Federal Contractors

The federal budget process has practically ground to a halt. Centurion Research Solutions recently conducted a survey of its clients to ascertain the impact of this impasse on their current and future business growth plans and, in some cases, financial survival. In a nutshell – the survey illustrates the drastic effects this situation is alreadyRead… Read more »

CBO Projection A Bit of Good Budget News, Sort Of

Having barely avoided falling off the fiscal cliff on January 1, we soon found ourselves sliding down a slippery slope toward a dark and gloomy abyss. The sequester was postponed for only two months, the debt ceiling was raised, but only until May, and we continue to hurtle toward the March 27 expiration of theRead… Read more »

“They” are the problem, “it’s them,” am I right?

“We the People …” is perhaps the most powerful opening clause ever uttered on this planet. Yet how many of “We,” really take to heart what those three words mean on a personal level? When it comes to the state of civic participation in the United States today, to paraphrase Jimmy Buffett perhaps, “We areRead… Read more »

Leadership, Technology, and Change

Change is everywhere. Change happens at breakneck speed – BUT it takes time to recognize and adopt/adapt. Recall the typewriter return at the end of each line – and how long it took typists to stop using it in word-processing. We unconsciously cling to the old models and cite them as ‘rules.’ The Information InterviewRead… Read more »

Do We Need More Artists In Elected Office?

The Albany Times Union newspaper recently raised an interesting question: Do we need more artists in public office? Editor Rex Smith points that given how dysfunctional government often seems to be, that perhaps we are choosing leaders with the wrong skill sets. Instead of lawyers and business owners maybe we should be electing writers andRead… Read more »

Creators vs. Conquerors

I think most people have had the feeling sitting across the table from someone that the only thing they are interested in is how much of a deal they are going to get, what’s in it for them, or some other obvious self-interest. I don’t have an issue with this to a degree. The factRead… Read more »

Helping Vets Transition to Private Sector: Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Budgets and time are tight, so one of the trickle down effects has been the evolution of the program manager. Now more than ever, people are taking on the role of program manager with little or no training. So how is it working? Click here for the recap. Helping returning vetsRead… Read more »

Lending a helping hand: Operation Jump Start

Helping returning vets transition to new careers one suit at a time. Returning vets face a significantly higher unemployment rate than the rest of the country. One organization is trying to combat the problem head on. It’s called Operation Jump-Start VIII and their aim is to give returning vets suits and gift cards to prepareRead… Read more »

10 Trends for Program Managers – Are You A Secret PM?

Budgets and time are tight, so one of the trickle down effects has been the evolution of the program manager. Now more than ever, people are taking on the role of program manager with little or no training. So how is it working? ESI has brought together senior executives and subject matter experts to identifyRead… Read more »