
Sequestration Doomed for March? Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: RFP-EZ is one of the Presidential Innovation Fellows projects. It just wrapped up. So how did it go? Was it a success? How was it received? We talk to Clay Johnson. Click here for the full recap. But up front: Sequestration, yes, I know, we are all sick of it, but…Read… Read more »

A Tale of Two Makers

Ed is the flat out best manager I know. He’s low key and fast fixing. Last week he called for a lunch where he told me he has to start something new. What was I recommending? I went over the half dozen businesses he’s been successful in, and he had compelling reasons why each wasn’tRead… Read more »

Online Social Learning Communities: Necessary but not Sufficient

As the Digital Era progresses, professionals at all levels and career stages need to develop and maintain a core set of digital competencies. These competencies can be developed informally, through online social learning communities, but they must also be developed through formal education and training programs. Academic and other organizational leaders must recognize that itRead… Read more »

Is Postal Service Doomed to be Broke?

The Postal Service has a money problem. A big one. And there aren’t simple solutions. The Government Accountability Office has looked at the problem and has made recommendations to Congress. Frank Todisco is the GAO’s Chief Actuary. He told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program what the real issue is for USPS. “USPS provides retireesRead… Read more »

Three Comments Newly Elected Local Government Officials Should Never Make

After years of local government service and extensive personal observations of public officials I have listed below three comments that – newly elected or appointed -local public officials should never, ever make during a public meeting. These comments have absolutely no connection with the reality of local government. 1. Based on my experience … 2.Read… Read more »

Managing Your Supervisor

This article was written by Logan Harper, community manager for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s School of Government’s online MPA programs. For more information on public administration degrees follow MPA@UNC on Twitter at @MPAatUNC. — It wouldn’t be called work if it were easy. No matter the work environment, occasional conflict isRead… Read more »

Millennial Mayhem – Managing, Training and Capitalizing

Next year, millennials will make up more than 35% of the federal workforce. That’s a staggering number of feds who will all have been born after 1976. So how can leaders really connect, train, manage and capitalize on their talents? Logan Harper is community manager for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s SchoolRead… Read more »

Don’t get blindsided by fiscal contraints – Management is what matters

When the President was Inaugurated on Monday, he unveiled a broad agenda for the next four years. But one thing was missing from his inaugural address – civil service reform and management. But Tom Fox says in order for any of the other priorities to be successful you first have to have strong leadership andRead… Read more »