
Millennial Mayhem – Managing, Training and Capitalizing

Next year, millennials will make up more than 35% of the federal workforce. That’s a staggering number of feds who will all have been born after 1976. So how can leaders really connect, train, manage and capitalize on their talents? Logan Harper is community manager for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s SchoolRead… Read more »

Don’t get blindsided by fiscal contraints – Management is what matters

When the President was Inaugurated on Monday, he unveiled a broad agenda for the next four years. But one thing was missing from his inaugural address – civil service reform and management. But Tom Fox says in order for any of the other priorities to be successful you first have to have strong leadership andRead… Read more »

The Privacy Paradox

At the Verisign Distinguished Speaker, Vint Cerf, one of the founders of internet technology, told us that privacy is impossible on the internet. It is a huge copy machine with multiple copies of everything ingested, and a quest for increasingly more information. There is a strange paradox about privacy. One the one hand, there areRead… Read more »

An Upside For Feds, No Federal Pay Freeze

Later today the House will vote on a plan to effectively lift the debt limit for four months, removing, or at least postponing, the threat of default. The bill, HR 325, temporarily extends the debt limit without seeking any concessions on spending, and allows Republicans a way to avoid having to actually cast a voteRead… Read more »

A space to think

I’m planning on looking at and reflecting on the principles I previously suggested here and writing a blog post for each one using my own personal circumstances and requirements to help me understand what applying the principles would mean in practice. My previous post “the ‘right’ environment” essentially looked at the principle “Enabling communities andRead… Read more »

Pardon Our Dust – A Much Needed GovLoop Refresh is Coming!

The GovLoop team, with the aid of the good folks at Forum One, is currently in the process of pushing a few new updates to the site in our continual efforts towards better usability and an overall more pleasing user experience. So if you see strange things happening around the site, please bear with us!Read… Read more »

Inauguration day, fed style – Plus the 7 DorobekINSIDER stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: As a journalist, a college student a writer by trade, i’ve been filled with the horrors of plagiarism. So when I heard Henry Sienkiewicz tell the crowd gathered at the Keys to Next Generation Security Operations conference that not only is plagiarism ok, it’s encouraged when it comes to cybeersecurity, IRead… Read more »