
Diversity Change Agent Group

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Post Conference-Gate – Why Government’s Not Going

With shrinking budgets and fewer resources to support mission goals, federal government decision makers and influencers plan on attending fewer events this year. Market Connections polled 400 feds about their plans to attend conferences in FY 2012. And the results were bleak for contractors. Lisa Dezzutti is the President of Market Connections. She told ChrisRead… Read more »

Fed 100 Award Winners – Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: It may sound odd, but constraints can and usually are a catalyst for innovation. Think back to the industrial age here in America, importing goods was costing too much money and taking too much time – insert the American Industrial Revolution. The industrial revolution was a time of extreme growth andRead… Read more »

Why Constraints Actually Breed Innovation

It may sound odd, but constraints can and usually are a catalyst for innovation. Think back to the industrial age here in America, importing goods was costing too much money and taking too much time – insert the American Industrial Revolution. The industrial revolution was a time of extreme growth and innovation in our country.Read… Read more »

8 Habits of Effective Government Managers

Over the weekend, I was reading a New York Times piece that highlighted Google’s 8 Habits of Effective Members (aka their Quest to Build a Better Boss). It was a fascinating article that synthesized a lot of research Google’s People team had done, analyzing their own internal data on what makes an effective manager. GovernmentRead… Read more »

The Customer Service Citizens Want

Ontario Canada has implemented a Lean initiative to improve how government services are provided. I recently obtained a copy of a PowerPoint presentation by Art Daniels, which contains some great information about the implementation of Lean in Ontario. Mr. Daniels has over 40 years of experience in leading change initiatives as a Canadian government officialRead… Read more »

Collaboration for the Intelligence Community? Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Center for Effective Government it’s the new name for OMB Watch. So what other changes come with the title change? And what can we expect out of Government in 2013? Insights from Katherine McFate. Click here for the full recap. But First: U.S. intel community focuses on integration and collaboration IntegratingRead… Read more »

Exposing Government

In his first term of office President Obama pledged to shed light upon the shadow of our veiled government. To bring transparency to the executive branch. He issued policies that added greater exposure of government documents though new mediums. Although initially successful, Obama’s Open Government is still far from complete and requires more attention fromRead… Read more »