
Shutdowns are ALWAYS possible – So Learn to Acquire Despite the Threats

“There is always a possibility of a shutdown or a continuing resolution. In reality we are used to this in government and especially at DHS we have processes and procedures in place. We are built for emergencies. Overtime you get better at pre-positioning contracts and educating the workforce for these budgetary times,” said Nick Nayak.Read… Read more »

3 Key Leadership Mistakes Government Employees Make That Leave Them Burned Out and Frustrated.

Mistake 1. Thinking that leadership is something you learn to do. Leadership is not something you “do,” it is something you “be.” In other words, leadership is not a series of required actions you take, rather it is the essence of who you are, the impact you have on those around you. You don’t “learn”Read… Read more »

The Most Innovative Mayors In The U.S.

According to Newsweek Magazine the five most innovative Mayors in the U.S. are: Mitch Landrieu – (New Orleans for his education efforts)Michael Bloomberg – (New York for his public safety efforts)Rahm Emanuel – (Chicago for his open data efforts)Sly James – (Kansas City for his entreprenuer efforts)Mick Cornett – (Oklahoma City for his quality ofRead… Read more »

New View from the Big Chair

The World Is Changing Future Shock in the ‘60s said we could only accommodate so much change before a melt-down; many believed Toffler but does it still apply? Change happens at a breakneck speed, however it takes time to recognize and adapt. The Information Interview, a mainstay of job transitions, doesn’t work anymore. Thought Exercise:Read… Read more »

In Praise of Basic Research, or It Doesn’t All Have to Be Useful

I try to remember to do basic research every once in a while, where I figure out how the world works without a goal in mind. This contrasts with applied research, which is about solving particular problems or taking advantage of specific opportunities. The distinction can be pretty clear in science. For example, in physicsRead… Read more »

Nothing succeeds like success

Winning breeds winning I admit it, I like to win. There is something about success that just makes me feel good. Maybe it’s just the endorphins talking, but sometimes that win or success seems to feed into the next. It turns out I’m not the only one. “The winner effect” describes a biochemical change thatRead… Read more »

Are budget cuts the real catalyst for Innovation?

Think about this; stability rarely breads innovation. Traditions and norms don’t generate creativity. So keeping that in mind, doesn’t it stand to reason, that severe budget cuts like the ones that the government is currently dealing with, could be the real catalyst for growth and innovation? That’s the hope of Alan Balutis. Balutis is seniorRead… Read more »

Newest Federal Jobs: Data Scientists

Big data, data analytics, data, data, data. We’ve heard the buzz words all year. But now Rich Campbell the Federal Chief Technologist at EMC says 2013 will be the year that big data becomes a part of agency’s mission. And in order for that to happen Campbell told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program thatRead… Read more »