
5 simple ways to do your job better in 2013

All year long we’ve been talking about ways you can improve your leadership skills. Find a better job. Make a difference. So we wanted to take a step back and pull out the five best pieces of advice we’ve heard this year. It’s all part of our mission to help you do your job better.Read… Read more »

3 Steps to Changing Habits in the New Year

It’s the first day back from the New Year. And I’m guessing you may have a New Year’s Resolution you are working on. Maybe it’s exercise more, arrive early to work, or speak more at meetings. So how do you make it happen? Check out Stanford professor BJ Fogg’s Behavioral Model. BJ is one ofRead… Read more »

Is Our Illustrious Congress Trying to Bury A Smoking Gun…..Again?

“The Government Man” has been quiet lately but an obscure news release over the weekend pushed my buttons again about one of my favorite topics, our ineffective and morally lacking Congress. Buried in the news on a Saturday before New Year’s weekend, the slowest media day of the week, if not the year, was aRead… Read more »

Rethinking the Disclosure of Public Information

The New York State Committee On Open Government, led by Executive Director Robert Freeman is a great resource regarding New York’s Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) and New York’s Open Meetings Law. Mr. Freeman is very accessible by telephone, mail and e-mail and always willing to provide guidance to anyone with questions about accessing governmentRead… Read more »

Incredible Time Management Tools

Time management is critical for local government administrators and managers. During my career in local government I found three tools that helped me retain control of my time. With the New Year here I thought I’d share these tools to see if you can incorporate them for your use. If this article is of valueRead… Read more »

Uncharted Water: 10 Simple Steps to Change Your Organization in the New Year

Don’t get scared when heading into uncharted water One of the most difficult situations a technology executive can find himself or herself in is with a clear understanding that the current state of the organization isn’t sustainable but with no clear approach to moving forward. Their may be a myriad of reasons for this unclearRead… Read more »

Global Communications: “Doomsday” Reactions from USA, China, Russia

“It’s the end of the world as we know it…and I feel fine.” – R.E.M. – Okay, so the world did not end last Friday afterall (take a deep breath and slowly exhale). Whew…what a relief. Now we can all take a “time out” to celebrate Christmas and ring in the New Year. That is,Read… Read more »

Smile, Retiring Baby Boomers: You’re on Knowledge Capture Camera!

“Smile, you’re on Candid Camera.” It’s a phrase we all know – and I’ll bet more than one of us heard it over the holidays when someone snapped a pic or snagged a video of a special moment. Modern-day iterations of the popular television show include “The Jamie Kennedy Experiment”, Ashton Kutcher’s “Punk’d” and JohnRead… Read more »