
A Strange Thank-You: A Species of Fish is Named After Obama

Ecologist Steve Layman from Geosyntec Consultants and biologist Rick Mayden from Saint Louis University discovered 5 new species of fish. The scientists decided to name a new species after Presidents and Vice Presidents who they wanted to recognize for their influential role in advancing environmental policies. The scientists explained their decision: “We chose President ObamaRead… Read more »

Government Thy Name Means Service

From dispatching an ambulance to save a life, to making sure someone who has lost a job gains access to the benefits of which they are entitled, to executing all manner of inspectional services, licensing, care for our seniors, concern to level the playing field for people with disabilities and a myriad of other tasksRead… Read more »

Sustainability in Procurement Fellowship (SPF) Program is accepting applications!

GSA’s SPF program is a professional development program that provides federal employees in-depth training on sustainability. The fellowship covers regulatory requirements, industry trends, systems thinking concepts, and provides hands on sustainability project experience. As part of the fellowship, each employee will receive training in relevant sustainability in procurement topics, perform substantive work on sustainability initiatives,Read… Read more »

Strategic Sourcing 101 — Reasons Why Your Agency Should Sign On

The age of austerity is here and it’s here to stay. But one potential way for agencies to save is to use strategic sourcing in its acquisitions. But what is strategic sourcing and could it really work at your agency? Thomas Kuhn in a fellow with Integrity Management Consultants. He told Chris Dorobek on theRead… Read more »

Some Cities Welcome Citizen Engagement And Some Don’t

Through the leadership of Mayor Thomas Menino, the city of Boston tracks an extensive amount of data in an effort to answer three questions: 1) What is City government doing?2) How well are we doing it?3) How can we do it better? Since 2010, the City of Boston has created a Performance Management Scorecard forRead… Read more »

Why Do We Wait for A Crisis?

The current brouhaha over the impending Fiscal Cliff is yet another example of a national culture that waits for crisis before taking action. The irony in this current example is that our political leaders actually created the cliff to force themselves to address this complex economic issue. In other words, because they couldn’t work togetherRead… Read more »

Leveraging the strengths we KNOW we have instead of worrying about the advantages we THINK others have

I drive a 2002 Kia Rio and over the last few years I have noticed countless others driving the same vehicle. Each time I see a Kia Rio, I cannot refrain from comparing our cars. Is my car in better shape? Does their car come with power windows with extra leg room? Although I continueRead… Read more »

The Power of a Platform

Creating a platform that works for you There is a lot of buzz around the word platform recently. From the source of all knowledge (Wikipedia): “Platform technology is a term for technology that enables the creation of products and processes that support present or future development.” The key word in here is enables. For companiesRead… Read more »