
Former CIO of DOT Speaks on the Transition

What does the transition from President Obama’s first term to his second term mean for political appointees and career staff? Dan Mintz, former CIO of the Department of Transportation weighs in on the transition in today’s DorobekINSIDER interview. Mintz was part of the transition team after former President Bush’s second term. New team = RapidRead… Read more »


A sound understanding of your service (public or private sector) production and delivery assumptions and process, and your customers, can position you to make continuing improvements in all aspects of your service related processes. It’s important to understand and consider the interface(s) with your customers, how your customers are using the service and/or your internalRead… Read more »

Learning From Students

The Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland held ‘mock interviews’ and I had the honor of being an interviewer. The students came eager to learn from this role-playing exercise. The ‘interviewers’ are seasoned individuals – most are Smith School Alumni – and well experienced in hiring superior candidates. My ‘interviews’ found theRead… Read more »

Fulfilling America’s Compact with our Veterans–A Call to Action

BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE, April 23, 2012 by Ron Manderscheid, PhD, Executive Director, NACBHDD Share on facebookShare on linkedinShare on twitterShare on google | More Sharing ServicesShare | Print Why are we failing to meet our obligations to our veterans? Ever since the founding of our Republic during the Revolution, persons from all walks of life haveRead… Read more »

Harnessing The Power Of Thousands Of Brains

Sharing information among employees is critical for the success of any organization. Many government offices operate in silos of their own with very little communication with other departments. General Electric (GE) has a long tradition of seeking to eliminate bureaucracy in their operations and for encouraging communication across all levels of their organization. GE hasRead… Read more »

Agile Responds to the Top 5 Challenges For Project Managers

This is a response to a great summary of the recent survey posted here: https://www.govloop.com/profiles/blogs/project-managers-top-5-challenges 1. Time constraints Get Agile. Release in iterative cycles instead of a monolithic delivery. It allows for better evaluation of progress, forecasting, and customer feedback. 2. Setting a goal and sticking to it Get Agile. Use cases and user storiesRead… Read more »

We Need Solutions in the Next Four Years: What Can the Book ‘Little Bets’ Teach Us?

With the election behind us, what will President Obama’s approach to our nation’s problems be? One way to think about government innovation is through the lens of “Little Bets,” a book about the creative process written by Peter Sims. He was a keynote speaker at GovDelivery’s event “Digital Government: The Transformative Power of Communications.” Sims’Read… Read more »