
Turning the Year of the Woman Into Parity

Two decades ago a record number of women were elected to our nation’s highest legislative offices. In 1992, California became the first state to send two women Senators to Washington; they were joined by two other newcomers to triple the number of women serving in the Senate to a whopping six! Those yearning for aRead… Read more »

Priorities preview for the newly elected – Leadership/Sequestration?

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Finally, there is an online one-stop-shop for human services around the country. Now people who are looking for services ranging from health care support services to food pantries to care for disabled children can type in their zip code and find a range of services in their area within seconds. IfRead… Read more »

Managing Up

Earlier this week, I came across Hannah Ornell, another GovLooper, asking for definitions of “managing up.” I left my thoughts as a comment, but decided to write a blog post so I can find this later. I coach my team pretty frequently on managing up. To me, it’s a set of actions under the umbrellaRead… Read more »

POTUS Re-Election: 5 Key Issues for Feds

With the 2012 Presidential Election now behind us, a host of key issues affecting federal employees nationwide are once again front and center. Following is a post-election primer presenting a snapshot of five key issue areas for Feds during President Obama’s second term. To watch the President’s acceptance speech, click here. 1) Sequestration & FiscalRead… Read more »

You’ve Won, But Are You Willing To Lead?

The confetti has fallen, the balloons have been released and the adoring crowds are gone. The moment that every candidate hopes to face is here—victory. Yet, this the point at which successful candidates must pivot from election year warrior to genteel statesman or woman. The challenge for so many elected officials is that they rarelyRead… Read more »

The Election’s over – so now what for feds?

“What you will see in the next term is a fundamentally different President. He now understands the business of government,” said Steve Ryan. Ryan heads the office of government strategies at McDermott Will & Emery LLP. He told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program what feds will face in 2013. No Wave “This is theRead… Read more »

Advice for Acing the Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Application

In a previous post, I summarized the U.S. Office of Personnel Management’s Class of 2013 PMF Assessment Prep Guide, excerpting key segments of their advice and embedding the document for your convenience. They’ve really put together an excellent resource there and I’m impressed overall with the work of the new group that’s leading the charge.Read… Read more »

Rescheduled: Improving the Performance of Government Employees – Webinar and Free Book

I was originally scheduled to conduct a free webinar on my book, Improving the Performance of Government Employees for the AMA on October 31st. However, due to the hurricane, it has been rescheduled to November 14th at 12:00 PM EST. Listed below is the applicable information. Note that the website currently shows that the eventRead… Read more »

Is Being a Fed A Thankless Job? Maybe Not. Time to Submit Your Sammies Nomination

Ok, let’s get real, you don’t go into a career as a federal worker for the glory and adulation. But sometimes toiling in an all too often thankless job can get tiring. And budget cuts aren’t helping. But that’s where the Partnership for Public Service’s Service to America Medals come into play. The annual awardsRead… Read more »